Chapter 8

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Dazai was reading on the couch. ''Why are you looking at me like that ?'' Haku was standing in front of him with Akiko in his hands. ''Akiko needs a bath ,'' ''So ?'' Haku smiled. ''Oh gosh can't you handle this on your own ?'' Haku wanted Dazai to help him, but taking a bath for a dog was the last thing Dazai would want to do, especially after seeing Chuuya and Haku do it, which made them look like a mess. But there wasn't any other choice. Dazai pointed at Akiko. ''You better be a good dog ,''

Haku put Akiko into the bathtub and turned on the tap. The puppy tried to come out when its paws touched the water. Haku turned around and looked at Dazai, whom stood at the doorway. His eyes were seeking help from Dazai. Seeing Haku as a lone soldier on a battlefield, Dazai grunted. ''Urgh fine let me try ,'' Haku grinned and made space for Dazai. Akiko tried escaping again. ''Hey, stay or I'm cooking you for dinner ,''

Akiko immediately stopped moving, its eyes widened like it could understand him. It seemed that Dazai's threatening worked. He slowly put his hand on its furry wet body. At the moment he touched it, his eyes flooded with disgust. Unlike when Chuuya and Haku did it, Akiko didn't move a muscle when Dazai bathed for it. When it's done, Dazai wrapped Akiko with a dry towel. ''Okay good dog ,'' Akiko looked up and licked his hand. ''Hey hey hey I'm taking it back, bad dog, bad dog ,''

Haku chuckled behind him. Dazai, who was the one who can control the dog best, happened to be the one who hated it. It was quite the irony. ''Dazai-san, do you really hate dogs that much ?'' Dazai shrugged. ''I play magic tricks with them when I see one on the streets, but only because I like the way they look confused and stupid ,'' Haku laughed, that was definitely a silly reason to interact with an animal you hate.

That night, Dazai went into his room right after he had tucked the kids in. He was reading his suicide manual when he sensed something moving at the corner of his eyes. He turned to look. Pointed ears coated with black fur stuck up from below. It was Akiko. It had to be an adorable scene to look at, but to Dazai, no it was certainly not. He wanted the dog to stop trying to climb up the bed, so he leaned forward to the side of the bed and looked at the puppy.

Akiko stopped and sat on the floor looking up at him. Dazai pretended to grab something from the bed and throw it to the wall behind the puppy. Akiko ran towards that wall and sniffed the ground to search for whatever Dazai threw, which was nothing. ''Aha you fool ,'' Dazai teased. Then he continued reading. Poor Akiko kept on sniffing, trying its best to find something that didn't even exist.

Eventually, Dazai felt sleepy, he glanced at Akiko.

Okay maybe I shouldn't sleep today.

He continued reading.

No wait, that could be its evil plan. We never know what they're thinking under the well-behaved disguise.

He glanced at Akiko again. Akiko was looking at him with bright and curious eyes.

You must be picturing my death in that tiny melon of yours.

Dazai got off the bed. Akiko ran to him excitedly, just to get pinched at the back of its neck and get lifted up. Akiko went dangling around in the air. Dazai kept it as far from him as possible, his arm was stretched out straight, holding the puppy at the end of his fingertips. Then he opened the door and put Akiko on the floor, and shut the door before it could enter the bedroom again.


He found it hard to breathe. Dazai woke up, something was on his face blocking out all the oxygen he needed. He took that thing off his face and looked at it, innocent eyes looked back at him. Right when he was going to confront the tiny enemy, he heard a soft snore. It was at this moment that he realised something was around his arm. It was Haruka, she was hugging his arm, sleeping soundly.

Dazai turned to look at the door, it had been opened ajar.

This silly girl must have forgotten to close it.

Haruka decided in the middle of the night that she wanted to sleep with her Dad, that's why Akiko managed to slip in. Dazai put the puppy on the ground and looked at the sleeping little girl. She was deep asleep, a slight curl at the corner of her lips, she looked like she felt safe, holding an arm of her Dad's. Dazai smiled softly and gently tucked her hair behind her ear before sinking back into his slumber. But little did he know, Akiko climbed up the bed again and curled up like a puff beside him, sleeping together.


Someone tapped on his hand. ''Daddy wake up ,'' Haruka woke him. Dazai rubbed his eye lazily. ''What time is it ?'' ''Nine ,'' Haku replied. They both went to his bedroom to wake him. ''Meet Papa ,'' Haruka said.

Urgh finally the Chibi's coming back.

It's only been two days, but Dazai felt like he got released from prison after two years, only because he had to bathe Akiko during this time.


''How was it ?'' Dazai went behind Chuuya and put his arms around the shorty's neck resting his head on his. ''Not good ,'' Chuuya laughed. ''But he got along with Akiko, Akiko obeys him ,'' Haku stated. ''Dogs ought to obey ,'' Dazai pointed out. Then they walked behind the kids. Chuuya had something in mind. Holding his brunet's hand in his, he stared at the kids. ''What do you think ?'' Dazai tilted his head and turned to him. ''What are you referring to ?''

''The agency...'' Chuuya raised their hands up. ''Us...'' Then he gestured his head to the kids. ''Them, all of this. Are you happy ?'' Dazai smiled softly. ''I am ,'' Then his face suddenly changed. ''Except for the dog ,'' Chuuya laughed and hugged him at his waist, then Dazai felt small arms wrapping around his leg, it was Haruka, Haku too came. Dazai smiled and hugged them back.

I didn't think I could have a family...

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