chapter 11: breakfast before the tour and skype with family

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The party ended at 3 am in the morning and me and my" fake boyfriend"  headed to my room 

we just sleep we did not do the dirty  thing I am not raise to be a slut I just met him and we are maybe taking it slow and it is just a  publicity stunt 

we really aren't dating and my brother knows that  speaking of my brother where is he 

and so is the boys maybe they are in the kitchen making some breakfast 

Ryan had to leave early because his manager called him for an emegency meeting 

he said goodbye and kiss my forehead he really want things to work out

whoa! i sound like a love sick puppy I chuckle I do my morning routine and go downstairs and saw my brother eating at the counter I seat beside him I get a bowl and spoon and put some cereals to the bowl and I walk to the fridge to get milk.

morning Lou how was your night did you sleep well?

I sleep well baby sis you how was your night with your boyfriend? did you have fun last night he wiggles his eyebrows

ew! Lou we did not do the dirty thing we just slept that's all and besides I am a busy person 

remember I will be in med school this fall

yeah I know that baby sis we eat our cereals in silence and after that I help my brother with his suitcase and all of his things are already pack he just need to carry it down the living room he has other suitcase in his flat and later he will go their to get it I will be driving him to the airport later

my phone ding and I check my mom texted me and we are going to have skype before my brother leave for the tour

I get my laptop in my room and go downstairs to the direction of the living room I turn it on and sign in to my skype account and wait for mom to call 

we are seated on the couch when the skype rings and answer the call 

Hey! mom how was your stay there we said in unison 

hey Lou bear and Pampie we are fine she smile the kids are playing outside and they enjoy here 

they said that every month we can have a trip here all of us 

of course mom we should do that I smile 

and then she turn to Lou hey mom I see your enjoying Pampie's house there

I interrupt him no Lou that is our house it's not only mine it's ours I smile at him 

okay my mom said what time is your flight young man?

it's in the afternoon mom and the girls can come if they want mom 

since Pampie can't come maybe Lottie can come 

okay i will tell her Lou take care okay i love you 

I love you too mom and after what mom said to my brother my sister appears at the camera

Hi Pampie Hi Lou how's the party last night did someone had sex at  my room Lou don't tell me someone did! 

relax Lottie no one I said but in my room someone almost did it  and we burst out laughing 

when our laugh died down Lottie was the one who talk

Pampie she yelled your house is awesome we have our own room and my room is amazing and so is the food she rant

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