chapter 3: brother and sister time

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After the walk in the park with my brother

we got in the car and drove to Harry's flat when we arrive at his flat boys are already there

chatting, well so much for their bonding they might exchange their faces haha! just kidding

they are really close I didn't have much friends in Philippine because they see me higher than them

I don't like it, Lou Lou lead us to the living room where the boys are playing video games

to my amazement they are playing pokemon, I don't blame them pokemons are really cute

specially pikachu.

when I seat on the couch and watch them with amazement

I try to make an instagram and twitter to say that I'm not some old fashion girl came from

the planet of tarszhia

when I finish making my twitter and instagram accounts

I follow each of the boys and when their phone dings they check notifications and look at me

with smiles the biggest smile was the one and only Harry Styles but why is he smiling at me

is there something on my face I ask him

no nothing I just think your cute on your picture here

ok thank you uhm maybe we can hang out sometime? he ask

uhmmm! ok sure?

you sound unsure love? hey! Harry stop hitting my sister don't scare her

if you will lay there unconsious for your action better be sorry pal

I'm just being nice here Lou seems your sister don't like me I think I left a first bad impression to her

yeah you are pal! she is not fond of people that has an ego with the size of the universe

he said laughing, when the door bell rings they stay quiet

I break the silence I will get the door when I open the door

the girls smile at me and give me a hug Perrie, Sophia and Ellie

I will have some girl time with them thank goodness I will not be stuck with this boys

Hey Pampie how is it going said Sophia to me

I'm good just alittle bored

I see you made a twitter account of yours? ask Perrie

uh yeah because Louis kept bugging me with it he doesn't gave up

but be careful with it said Eleanor some people will be bringing you down but don't let them

she smile at me when we arrive at where the boys are they all look at us and they stop playing video games and go to their respected girlfriends

while me just staring at them

wow! I sound jealous of them

I didn't have any boyfriend ever! i'm a a nun I guess

while staring at them somebody wrapped his arm around my shoulder

I got scared and I flipped him and land on the floor with a thud and we heard groaning

oh man! what the! and I turn to see it was Harry laying on the floor

Louis roll on the floor laughing so hard when the others join him with the laughter

and Harry still on the floor and me smirking

when Louis stop laughing

I told you already Harry don't scare her now you

learn your lesson don't scare Pampinaeia Louise Tomlinson if you

don't want to end up in the hospital be thankful that's only she did to you

expect it nextime pal you will end up in the hospital he smirked at his best buddy

after that incident, Liam call pizza for snacks and when it arrive

they have order pepperoni & mushroom and roast chicken with olives

we eat and chat about hanging out sometimes the girls plan shopping on thursday

there is a party on friday and they want me to come but I don't go to parties

aunt Holly always say that I go to parties but I'm so socially awkward person

the girls really insist that I should go because Lou Lou will introduce me to all of their friends

I sense something bad will happen in this event but I hope not

please don't let anything happen to me, my brother and friends

after hanging out at Harry's flat Ellie decided to go home after because she wants me and Lou to have some alone time she don't want to interrupt the siblings bonding

we got inside yhe car and Lou drop off Ellie on her flat and we drive to the city

and go to the shops and buy shirts, coat, uggies, tshirts, shorts, jeans and shoes

after buying all he paid for it some people are looking at us because they recognize him

since the famous Louis Tomlinson is going out with another girl

I only laugh at that I will be famous in magzines and tabloids oh! joy!

when we got out of the shop we are heading to the car when bunch of teen age girls

reach us and taking pictures of Louis and I they send me daggers while

me just smiling sweetly over them I headed to the car and wait for Lou Lou there

while waiting check my twitter and guess what my followers increase

wow! for such a short period of time Ihave so many followers

when I post a picture on my IG account I have a tons of followers too

I can't believe this when Lou Lou got inside the car we drive off the road and go home

when we got home the house is silent

maybe mom and dad and aunt Holly are out we got out of the car and carry those shopping bags

I went upstairs in my room and unpack the shopping bags and put it in my closet after

putting all of my stuff I went to check Louis in his room

I knock at his door I heard him say come in I twist the knob and enter his room

for boys his room is clean all well organize and something caught my attention from the side of his room I seat down on his bed and ask him if I could borrow his guitar he said yes

and he excuse himself and go to the bathroom

I get the guitar and strum it I play one of their song and sing with it

and I did not know that he is already out in the bathroom and watching me

when I open my eyes his jaw drop and he clap

woah! sis I did not know that you know how to play the guitar and sing that was amazing

and your voice it's beautiful

can't wait to tell the guys this.




Louis Tomlinson Sister??? well I am (fanfic 1D)Where stories live. Discover now