chapter 8: The Reality that's been kept up

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Hey Lou I must tell you this 

I know you will get mad at me and not talk to me 

I don't know how many days, weeks, months or even years

I think this is the right time Aunt Holly can't tell this because 

it is not her place to tell to so I have decided to tell you first 

coz I know some part of you will understand me

okay Pampie no matter what that is I still love you and nothing will change 

because your my sister and I understand that you  will keep it from us 

we know that you are still adjusting here and same as we are 

okay so tell me now I won't get mad 

I hesitated to tell him but then I gave in 

Lou Lou the truth is I don't want you to pay my studies at the medical school because 

I have money to pay it on my own 

and I have my house here in London and a couple of cars 

a family house in Ireland and Italy I kept my life private

to all of you because I don't want a crazy environment I don't want to be chase 

by paparazzis but now my life has change since I win the race, revealed myself as the mystery racer that beat the biggest name in NASCAR and been rumored to be dating Ryan Blaney this will be the start of being a celebrity just like you I smile at him.

His mouth is slightly open I walk close to him and close it

you don't want to catch flies don't you I joked to him 

he just stared at me for a little while and said 

why did you have to hide all of this stuff Pampie?

I thought you trust me he sadly say yeah Lou Lou I trust you 

it's just. . . it's just complicated for me you know I am still adjusting and 

you know I love you big bro I smile at him 

he walked up to me and hug me 

he kissed me on my forehead you know I'm so proud of you baby sis 

and I'm proud of you too big bro I thought you will yell at me like a mad man 

I laugh at him I'm not gonna do that to you Pampie 

you are an angel you know I can't be mad at you 

your too innocent to be scold he chuckled but your a devil 

when it comes in the race track he laugh loudly I think the house heard it 

because there are footsteps in the hallway and then my family came barging at my room 

Pampie? Louis? what is happening here? why are you so loud it's already late

sorry mom we both said in unison 

we are just talking and Louis laugh loud because he says I'm a devil in the race track 

they said their good nights and kiss me in the forehead while my sisters kiss me in the cheekand the headed to their own rooms. 

Louis Tomlinson Sister??? well I am (fanfic 1D)Where stories live. Discover now