Ch-5: Small Aquatic Butterfly

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A/N: Guess who finally updated this poor baby? The answer is...


+Time-skip to the battle since the  previous few chapters were deleted and I just DO NOT wanna write them again (Sorry!) :'D 

+I'm using POV's starting from a bit later in the chapter, they make everything SO much easier!  

Everyone was fighting to the last of their limits. 

Daki, the sixth of the Upper Ranks, was going to be defeated. 

With the help of Giyuu, they had severed Gyuutarou's head off. 

"Waaaahhhh!!! Help meee!!", yelled Daki.

Suddenly, something like a sound-wave hit them. 

"Argh! My ears!" said the Sound Pillar, holding his ears in pain. 

Even the unconscious figure of Zenitsu flinched for a second. 

Then, everyone saw black, except for Uzui and Zenitsu. 

The unconscious blonde's body just fell to the ground along with everyone else's. 

He heard and saw something, unclear, but nonetheless, something very shocking. 

There, a shadow which shared an uncanny resemblance to the Water Pillar appeared. 

"Waaahhhh!!! G...u!!! They're bullying meeeee!!" 

'Could she have said 'Giyuu'? But no..."

"...he's right here..."

"...isn't he?', thought Uzui.

He looked to his side, desperate to find the Water Pillar. 

'He's here...thank the gods...'

The Sound Pillar was relieved.

His barely open eyes then looked up too see a figure with cold, icy, deep, blue eyes. 

The pair of eyes was more cold than the eyes of Giyuu Tomioka himself. 

They had the carvings, 'Upper Rank Zero', in them. 

Moreover, the stranger had the same pale skin and jet black hair as Giyuu, the same face as well. 

He looked as if he were only a few years older, about twenty five or twenty seven witha short haircut. 

This so called 'Upper Rank Zero' had a sickeningly bright and wide smile across his face, showing off his sharp fangs.

"Sorry, Daki, but I can't kill these ones."

"Why not?" 

"Even though they killed Gyuutarou-Kun..."

The demon's words after Upper Rank Six asked him the question made Uzui feel light-headed. 


The demon had an almost identical voice to the Water Pillar, but it was a bit more deep, and a lot more creepy. 

Uzui realized that the lives of his wives, an innocent demon, three young men, his fellow Hashira, and his himself, were in the hands of this monster. 

"Plus, the Sun's boutta come up." 

"Come on, Muzan-Sama can't do anything to you if I'm there, we'll report this to him." 


The name of the demon made Uzui's blood run cold. 

With that, both the demons disappeared. 

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