Fury Chapter 16

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Rory is sat drinking coffee and reading threw one of the books that Frigga Thor's mother had given her she was trying to find where the Vault is, what is in the Vault, everything she can about her powers she has down to the Legend and everything she can about her Counterpart

when Natasha comes running into the room with a panicked look on her face

we have to go -Natasha

go... go where -Rory asks confused

to the Hosptial. come on I'll explain on the way -Natasha

Rory nods Rory turns to her sword

Ember -Rory

Ember then flies into the room and Ember shifts into a firey mist and flies towards Rory and vanishes on her arm Ember shifting into a Tattoo on Rory's arm


At The Hospital

Rory and Natasha parked roughly they all but abandoned the car in a parking spot which wasn't parked straight and they ran towards a building a worker for the Hospital came over to them to try to tell them to park properly but stops and walks away at the dark looks both Romanoff Sister's give him they then ran threw the building and they didn't stop until they entered a private room and they see Doctors working on Fury

Maria and Steve are also in the private room

is he going to make it -Natasha

i don't know -Steve

Maria wraps an arm around Rory

tell me about the shooter -Natasha

he's fast. Strong. had a metal arm -Steve

Rory tenses up a little

Ballistic's -Rory

Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable -Maria

Soviet-made -Natasha

The Romanoff sister share a look before

he's in V-tach -Doctor

The crash cart is then brought in

nurse help me with the drape -Doctor

the nurse rushes over and helps with the drape

BP's dropping. Defibrillator! -Doctor

I want you to charge him at 100 -Doctor

don't do this to me Nick -Natasha whispers

Rory grabs her sister's hand and they share a pained look

come on pop eye -Rory whispers

Stand back... Three, Two, One. Clear -Doctor says then he shocked Fury

Pulse? -Doctor

no pulse doctor -Nurse

Okay, 200, Please... Stand back! -Doctor

Three, Two, One. Clear! -Doctor

still nothing

Get me epinephrine! -Doctor barks

The nurse rushes over and gives the Doctor the epinephrine who injects it into Fury

after a few moments

Pulse? -Doctor

Negative -Nurse

Don't do this to me Nicky -Natasha pauses and looks to for a moment

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