Goin to School

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Dwayne POV

Mama and Ice arrived at 'bout 2am in the mornin and they were hella tired so i decided that they should sleep at a hotel.Ice shared a room with me while mama and Dad slept together in one room.I woke up and it was 6am…i had to wake Ice up cause she gatta go to school

"Ice…wake up…you gatta wake up sis!"i said shakin her so she could wake up."nooo!"she groaned…"Ice wake defuq up…Ice dont let me piss you off…so wake up!"i replied shakin her harder…she finally opened her eyes…"uhh,what?…what happened?"she asked,i laughed…"you gatta go to school!"i said…she stood her upper body up and set there lookin at me

"Stop starin,go bath!"i said showin her the bathroom door buh she kept on starin…next thing i know bitch throwin pillows at me."Dwayne…do think im some typa transporta or allian…i just woke up,not to mention i was in the gahdamn plain for 2 hours…and yo' ass want me to go to school!"she yelled throwin them pillows with full force.

I walked up to her while she continued throwin pillows at me…i set down and grabbed her hands tight…i then tickled her and she began laughin…"dayuuum…your breath stink…go bath!"i said coverin my nose with my parm.She stopped laughin and plunged her eyes at me.she stood up and went to the bathroom and went to have her bath.

****Ice POV***

I cant believe that i gatta go to school…ugh…1st i dont know any of those people,2nd im tired as fuck and last i miss my baby so bad.I mean its not fair…i just got here 4 hours ago and i need to get some sleep…i cant go to school tired…this is why i fuckin hate Dwayne!!!

I got outta the the bath,wiped my body and lotined up…Dwayne came in whistlin and had this grin on his face…"Dwayne…defuq is wrong with you…im still in my towel!"i yelled at him."Calm down geez! and you my sis…its not like i havn't seen your pussy before!"he replied laughin.I put a fake smile on and plunged my eyes at him.He threw some black clothes on the bed…"there yo clothes!"he said…i looked at the clothes…"Dwayne its fuckin hot outside and you want me to wear black…fo yo info…black absorbs heat!"i said."Ice stapp complainin ohk…some other kids aint gat no clothes so i suggest you stapp yappin yo ass and just wear what Joseline got you!"he replied sittin down on the bed and lookin at the magazine…i rolled my eyes and walked to the clothes…

I looked at the outfit and it was black bandana printed basket ball shorts,a black tight tank top that shows your belly botton and white Air jordens…hmm…for a hoe Joseline does have some sense of style…atleast she didnt get me some furrrrr!

I then went to the bathroom and wore the clothes.I combed my hair sideways so it could fall to the side and wore the black Dob hat over it.i then walked outta the bathroom and Dwyane was on his phone.He looked up at me…"You ready?"he asked…"no!"i yelled…"Dwayne can't i go to school tommorrow?…i mean im tired and im not ready to go to a new school!"i whined and he laughed…" nope u can't go to school tommorrow cause its Saturday,maan you will be cool…you now your ass makes friends quick!"he said.He stood up an handed me a beautiful back pack…"lets go!"he said leadin me to the door.We walked to the parkin-lot and drove off to school

We finally arrived at school and righ now all i want to do is scream…im not ready to meet new people…all i want to do is stay home…buh i cant…i walked outta the car so did Dwayne…he leaned his body on the bonnet of the car while i was infront of him…i sighed…"chill out sis,you'll be cool…just keep your head up like a true bitch should and don't let them skanky hoes mess with you!"he said tryin to cheer me up buh he did not succeed…i rolled my eyes…"ill come pick you up afterschool!"he added…he then motioned his hand showin me the way to the school hall way…i turned around and walked towards it while eerbody had their eyes on me and that made me nervous so sped my walk up until i reached the principal's office.

I walked in…"Why are you bargin into my office like its yo mama house!"She said with attitude…in my head im like 'because i can!'…buh i just starred at her while she starred back…"oh im the new kid so…!"i said…"sooooo…what?"she replied…in my head im like

'bitch i dont know yo gahdamn school so the least you could do is to get yo skanky silicon ass up and show me 'round like a normal school principal would do!!!!!!!!'

…buh i had to console myself…"i was wonderin if you could show me around!"i replied.She stood up and walked around her table approachin me…she handed a piece of paper over…i took it and looked at it…"what is this?"i asked unsure…"your timetable,it shows you where your locker is and where your classes are…oh and here are your books!"she said handin a stack of books onto my arms…they heavey as fuck!

She looked at me and walked to her door then opened it."You may leave!"she said and i gave her that 'bitch!' look and walked out…i walked to my locker,opened it and  put these damn books then closed.i turned around and i realised that the hall way was empty…now thats a first…this basically means that a bitch is late for class

I walked to my class and entered…eerbody stopped what they were doin and stared at me as i walked to the teacher…"and would you care to explain why you are late?"the teacher said…"oh im sorry…im the new kid so i was lookin for my class!"i replied innocently…"oh so you are miss Santiago?…well nice to meet you…im Miss Good…your Math teacher"she said shakin my right hand…hala hala hala…did she just say Math?…defuq!!!! its only the first period and its a Friday and imma start the day off with some x's and y's…life is truley a bitch."you may take a seat!"she added…i looked at the class and these bitches and nigga's were scannin my body like im some typa mermaid or some shit…didn't thier mama teach them not to stare…its fuckin rude!

I walked my way to the back of the class and set myself down.

Miss Good had finished explainin so the class began talkin…i felt a hand tap my shoulder and i turned to look…only to see this beautiful chick…"hii…im sorry to interrupt you…buh i heard you were the new chick and i wanted to introduce myself"she said causin me to smile…"my name is Megan Stacy Vilmz"she added reachin out her hand to me…"Im Destiny Alyssa Santiago…buh you can call me Ice…thats what eer'one calls me"i said shakin her hand…"oh thats a cute nick name!"she said gigglin…"and you whats your nick name!"i asked…"well…these nigga's and bitches never gave me one!"she said causin me to laugh…"well i am gonna give you one!"i said and she looked at me with a suspicious face…"how about Skaai(Sky)?"i asked "hmmmmm skaai,skaai,skaai!"she resited to herself…"i love it!"she replied and we laughed for a lil while

The bell rang indicatin that the period has ended…"so were ya goin?"Skaai asked…"Chemistry!"i replied…"ohk so can we chill durin lunch time…i would love to show you 'round!"she replied while puttin her back-pack on her back…"sure…i would love that!"i said while walkin outta the class…i hugged her then we went our separate ways…

Looks like i found myself a bitch and a damn sexy bitch at that…skaai is very sexy…she gat that Nicki Minaj body all over…i mean im curvelicious buh dayum…Skaai gat a body and she real short so that makes her more attractive.She has light brown eyes like mine,she has a caramel skin tone colour,she gat long black\blue hair and she gat tatoos all over her left arm and a big beautiful and colourful tatoo on her right side of her neck.She was wearin white printed bandana sweat pants,a white tank top just like mine,a red bini and red nikie sneakers…yea i guess this bitch gat swag!…i saw niggas watch her while she walked away…i dont blame them cause if i were a nigga i wouldv'e teared that ass up long time ago!

My apologies for the short and boring chapter

Krystal_jay13 ✌❤❤

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