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Light glimmered through the blinds and stirred Endeavor. Large hands reached out to pull Hawks to his chest, causing him to groan in frustration when he realized his lover wasn't there. "Fucking commission...." He sighed and forced himself out of the warm embrace of the bed. It was time for work and he couldn't afford to be late. Sure, he owned his company but it didn't set a good precedent to be late.

After he arrived at his office, he couldn't help but notice his window was open. "Where are you, Keigo?"

"In here, big guy!" Enji rolled his eyes, and shoved open the bathroom door. Steam filled the room, blocking any sight of the winged hero. "Sorry Enji, I needed to shower, and I didn't have time on the way over." He let out a surprised squeak when Enji yanked open the glass door that contained the shower.

Fiery blue eyes traced every curve, every toned muscle. "Did he hurt you?" Subconsciously, Hawks ran his fingers over his hips where small little crescent shaped wounds were still raw. "Your hips..." Enji grabbed Hawk's wrist and pulled him out of the stream of water to examine the marks. "These aren't even an hour old..."

Golden eyes dropped to the floor, unsure how to respond, "I'm sorry..."

"It's...fine." Endeavor swallowed down the fire in his throat. "Finish your shower...your meeting is soon." He slammed the shower door shut and stormed back out to his office.

Tears ran down, streaking any of the blonde's eyeliner that survived. He closed his eyes, letting the last few hours replay in his head.


Dabi woke him up with breakfast, the same way he did the first time they slept together. When Hawks peeked in the bag, he noticed there was only one box of food. "Oh, hey I think they left one of ours out. It's ok, I'm can-"

Dabi chuckled before letting his velvety voice fill the air, " breakfast is right in front of me..." Hawks nearly choked on the air as Dabi kneeled down between his legs. "Don't mind me...go ahead and eat. You gotta be at work soon..."

Trying to eat pancakes while your half-boyfriend sucked your dick was way harder than he imagined. "D-dabi...please...I'm close..."

He could feel him smirk around his length, coming off with a pop, "If you put those pancakes down, I'll fill you with something else." Hawks nodded, tried to take another bite, and near instantly dropped the plate as Dabi grazed his teeth against his sensitive head.

"Oh...fuck, I-mhmmm" Dabi's lips crashed to his, pushing him down on the bed. "The pancakes!"

The dark haired man laughed, "Fuck the pancakes." He grabbed the lone packet of syrup that survived the fall, and dripped it across the sensitive chest under him.

"Ahh! Dabi, It's sticky!" a warm puff of air ghosted across his skin as Dabi tried to keep his laughter in. The blonde's protests stopped as he felt a silky hot tongue trace every drop of the syrup. He whined, squirming as his nipple was taken over by the same hot mouth. Gentle bites teased him while Dabi's heated fingertips rolled his other nipple firmly

Just as quickly as the warmth came, it vanished. Dabi sat up and reached over to the nightstand to grab their bottle of lube. He coated his fingers and his dick before settling back between the hero's thighs. "Let me know if you're too sore. I'll stop, ok, babe?"

Keigo's body was covered in goosebumps, and he felt a hot pit of arousal growing in his stomach. Did he want this? No, he wasn't supposed to, but...he couldn't help it. His body reacted on it's own as the taller man slid two fingers in gently. Sharp blue eyes judged his expressions, searching for any pain. "You're doing so good, Keigo..." A hot moan left his lips as Dabi took his cock back into his mouth, while turning his fingers to probe at his prostate.

Within seconds he was close again, clawing his fingers in jet black hair and crying out. "Please.."

"Not yet, baby..." Dabi slid his fingers out, satisfied with how far he had stretched the tight ring of muscle. He flipped the blonde without warning, and pressed the head of his dick in slowly. "Fuck, how are you always so tight?"

Painted black nails dug into his hips as Dabi slid the rest of the way in. There was no begging for noise this time, Hawks was losing himself in all of the sensations. Delicious, breathy moans ripped from his throat while Dabi set a rough pace. "Ahhh, D-dabi! Fuuuuck, please!"

Dabi let his head fall back, thrusting faster as he chased their climaxes, "Fuck...Hawks.."



"HAWKS" His eyes snapped open, and an extremely irritated red head stood in front of him. "What the hell are you doing!?"

Keigo realized his dick was in his hand, pre cum dripping off the tip while the shower head rained down against his wings. "Ah...sorry, I uh...I'll be out in a second."

Enji shook his head, "If I have to come in here again, I'm dragging you out."

Keigo laughed and ruffled the back of his own hair, "Ok, ok! I'll hurry." His erection was gone by the time Enji finally left. He scrubbed the rest of his body with soap, finding little bits of syrup still stuck to him. "Damn it, Dabi.." he chuckled.

Endeavor sat at his desk, strumming his pen against the desk in annoyance. He knew Hawks had a high sex drive, but it still irked him that he felt the need to get off again. A beep interrupted his thoughts, and he saw a call waiting on his phone. "Hello?"

"Is Hawks ready to debrief?" Enji groaned, recognizing the commission instantly.

"He's showering, he'll be out soon."

"Fair enough. We'll give you a 30 minute window." The red head pressed the end button and rolled his eyes. They expected him to micromanage Hawks ever since they found out they were a couple.

"How troublesome..."

The sound of the door opening caught his attention and Hawks walked in with a smile, "Ok! All clean!"

The happy tune of his voice was a relaxing balm to Endeavor, "Come here."

Hawks sat down in his lap and nuzzled his face into Enji's neck. "I love you."

His temper flared down, jealousy finally easing, "I love you too, Keigo..."

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