Is he okay?

45 5 40


I woke up feel uneasy due to the night before. "Should I have gone over," I thought looking at my phone still seeing no response , I say with my head I'm my hands thinking of every possible thing that could have happens when he got home that night.

Wooyoung's dad has always been strict a little too strict if you ask me . There were times where woo would show up to school limping or with bruises he tried so desperately to cover up . Of course I asked him about it but he always evaded the qusetion or lied about it ..he's a really bad liar. Everyone in our friend group sees it and could only assume sad truth of the situation....Wooyoung's father abuses him.

Why won't he tell us?
Why won't he tell me?
Am I not enough?
Why must he go through this alone?
Why can you love me?.. Yes I love wooyoung , I've loved him for years ,but I could never find it in me to confess woo was the first guy I ever had feelings for ever our friend know , why can he see it ..maybe today would be different.

I decided to text him

Woo baby😚

I'm picking u up today
See you in 15

Seen 7:30 am

I just want be near him and make sure he's ok...if I do confess please don't reject me.

I got myself ready for school then set off to wooyoung's house.

On the drive there all I could think about is how and when I'm going to tell him how I feel. Worry slowly over took me as I approached his house. I put the car in park them honked the horn to indicate had arrived, then I exited the car and waited a few meters away from the font door. A couple minutes later an anxious looking wooyoung came outside ,obviously not paying attention to his surroundings, next thing I knew I was face to face with him with little to no space between us.

The anxious wooyoung I say a moment ago was no more ,and the calm wooyoung i once knew was in my arms . We stood there for a moment that seemed like forever staring into eachother eyes ,me ..standing here..staring into the eyes ...of the one in love the most . "Wait a minute is he blushing?"I thought ,As a light smirk tugged my lips , suddenly he took a step back and look down ,but I felt his hesitation. Not thinking about my actions I gently lifted his chin ,causing us to make eye contact again.

He stared so deeply into my eye ,it felt like like I fell in love all over again, I was under his spell and nothing else in that moment mattered.

"Cute," I said and he look at me with a ,'What did you just say' look, "God he's an angel" I thought trying to keep my composure, "come on we'll be late for school," I said and he agreed following me to the car

The drive was generally quiet I could feel that anxious woo was back ,so i decided to start a conversation ,"So,what happened last night?" I asked in a concerned tone, "did you get in trouble for coming home late?" He looked a t me with a blank and relpyed ,"uh yeah I did actually, but it's nothing ," turning his attention to his fingers, fiddling anxiously. I let out a sigh and pulled over to the side of the road , turning all my attention to him." Woo, you know I'm here for you no matter what right?" I calmly said, resting my hand on his leg." What am I doing ? is he ok with this? What is he isn-" my thoughts we do it short when I heard him mumble "I do".  I let out another sigh and smiled, then proceeded to continue the drive to school. " Wait my hand I still on his leg..should I move ..he doesn't see to mind and I surely don't  .. well what ever happens happens," I thought to myself keeping my eyes in the road.

The thought of the day is brought to you by the letter 'D' as in "Don't test me if you value your life"😇

Hope you like chapter💜

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