How am I going to fix this?

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" Then when woo... when is the right time," he looked at me with sad eyes briming with newly formed tears, " I'm sorry you have have to deal with me , it was never my intention to be like this," he whispered , his voice shaking and head hung low , " Woo you don't-" suddenly wooyoung decided to take his leave, " Where are you going ?" there was no reply , he kept walking to the door , " WOOYOUNG-AH" i shouted across the class, "did he just flinch...what did you just do San?" I asked myself , causing the attention of the entire class to be on us , he stopped a few stept away from the door and looked back at me with tear stained cheeks and glassy eyes , then shifted his gaze to yeosang , who was just staring back at him blankly , then looked at me once more before saying ," leave me alone ... Choi San," and proceeded to run out the classroom, as I was about to go after him yeosang stepped in front of me , " I'll deal with this might just make it worse" he said patting me on my shoulder  , then went after him. I sat down and all I could think about is how woo looked , l sat there with my head I'm my hands  as I  whispered to myself " how am i going to fix this?" 

Wooyoung POV

"WOOYOUNG-AH," San shouted stopping me in my tracks, taking me back to what happened the day I got home past curfew, flashes of my father whipping me with his belt plastered my mind ,him ripping my clothes off my body, the smell of alcohol on his breath ,the uncomfortable sensation of his hands on my body ,the type of discomfort the make u want to peel your skin off, his voice...his life threatening voice , the way he shouts " WOOYOUNG!!!,  WOOYOUNG-AH!!!,"  the way he degrades me " You filthy slut , you gay bitch, you disgrace , you're worthless piece a garbage , you're lucky you have a nice body ...I would have gotten rid of you years ago," the way he smirks, makes me wish I was dead.

I snapped back to my senses, I turned to San with a tear soaked  face , his face confused ,yet concerned,  I switched my gaze to yeosang ,who's face was blank, nothing emotion could be read from that face of his , I turned back to the door and said " leave me alone.....Choi San" then ran away.

Half way down the hallway I heard some call my name I turned around to see yeosang running towards me . " So you ran out of class,  what's  your plan now , where are you going to go .. I know for a fact that home is not an option so how about we take a walk at the park AFTER school, for now let's take care of your face ,cause's a mess ," he said calmly with a smile on his face, I couldn't help but feel at ease ,all I could have done was nod ,as he took me to the bathroom. Suddenly I felt something warm run down the palm of my hand. I looked down to see my inner sleve almost soaked completely in blood, I looked back up to see yeosang once again with an unreadable face ,then he left with out a word, I stood there with an aching heart ,not knowing what to do .

I took off my hoodie and attempted wash off the blood , my reflection in the over head mirror caught attention, I stepped back and looked at my body in disgust . My torso covered in bruises, hickies scattered here and there ,my father's grip printed on my bicep, I whispered " how could someone be so cruel...How could he of all people be so cruel," tears fell from my eyes as I analyzed more and more. Suddenly " Woo?" A quiet shaky voice called out, I turned around and my heart dropped to my stomach as I saw San standing at the bathroom's entrance with tears in his eyes the look of disbelief on his face hurt me in ways I myself can't understand, his eyes darting all over my body trying to understand what he was seeing, with every eye movement a tear fell. He began approaching me and I scrambled trying to but my good top back on , before I could even get it over my head San pulled me into a hug, his arms against my bare bruised back ,his face burried in my neck, his warm tears rolling from my neck to my chest, my arms against his chest preventing him from coming any closer yet still be hugged me tighter , causing me to cry in pain due to the  condition of my forearm . He released me from the hug and looked at my once again bloodied sleve ,he led me to the back of the bathroom where there were benches , he sat down and pulled me into his lap, my body stiffened at the action, my thoughts now running rampant in my mind , "is he not disgusted by me?" , "why does he care so much?" I was brought back to reality by San gently pulling off my sleves to get a better look . With my bandages now exposed San looked and me with sad eyes ,he gently removed the hair lingering near my eye and tucked it being my ear then rest his hand gently on my face caressing my cheek softly with his thumb ," I  don't want to hurt you woo can you  remove the bandage ,please?"  I slighted nodded and removed it. We sat there in silence looking at the open wounds, San then turned me towards me , staring me dead in the eyes , his stare intense yet so gentle the next thing I knew San...San...He was kissing me ,his soft lips on mine ,all my troubles and fears had melted away ,he held my face so careful as if I were a delicate flower . He slowly pulled away and rest our forehead against another, San then spoke , "Jung Wooyoung...I love you, I've been in love with you for years ,and I know this is far from a perfect confession, but I just wanted you to know how much you mean in my world , you are my sunshine on rainy days and I don't want you to suffer alone . So please Woo let me help you , let me be there when you need someone ,please love me," I looked at him with tears rolling down my face and said " I love you too ...Choi San " his beautiful dimple smile now on full display . He brought me into another love filled kiss but this one was shorter but lacking nothing ,he pulled away and whispered  "wooyoung-ah ...this smile is for you and only you" letting out a deep sigh of satisfaction, he helped me stand up ,him standing right after ,he pulled off this off this sweater and helped me put it on leaving him in a plain white t-shirt.  A smile now plastered to my face until I realized I have to go have soon , I think San saw my discomfort, he leaned down to kiss my forehead, and asked " Woo do you want to stay with me today? " I looked up at him " My parents can talk to your dad ..Ok?" A smile reappeared on my face , he then followed with another question " Do you want to go now , we should get some stuff for your arm  I nodded and soon after we left school .

The  drive was calm , so much was said with in the silence, it wasn't awkward,  it was just us in each others presence. San reached over and held my hand , I smiled  and said in a playful tone " what am i gonna do what you " and he replied " love me" with his dimples showing again .

(Time skip )
(San's house)

When we got to San's house he took me to bathroom where he properly dressed my arm. He then took me to his room. We layed  facing each other talking about random things  but I could tell he wanted to ask about the bruises or something along those lines  ,but knowing San he won't make me tell him but I will ....soon.

Before I knew it  had fallen asleep ,I could feel san staring at me but I didn't mind ,in one movement he pulled me closer and burried his head in my chest I couldn't help but feel safe in the arms of the one i the most. I entangled my fingers in his hair and drifted further into sleep.


Heyo this chapter was long over due and thank you for waiting, anyway....
The thought of the day is brought to you by the letter 'P' as in " Pain and Sufferation"

The word 'Sufferation ' brought to you by yours truly tehesikebye

Stay alive y'all 💜💜

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