Chapter 1- a new house

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A/N- This whole story is from Jaeyn's POV.

*1:00am Friday*
"JAEYN COME ON GET UP WE HAVE TO START PACKING!!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. "COMING!!" I yell back. Oh before I forget let me introduce my self. My name is Jaeyn Maey Conner, I am 15 years old, my fav colour is purple, I have dark purple hair, a lip piercing on the left, I love 5 seconds of summer and according to my friends I'm super weird. I look at my phone and I see its 1:00am. So I roll out of bed and when I say roll, I mean rolled of my bed and onto the ground with a thud. I got up and I started to ready. I grabbed my 5sos belly shirt, 5sos necklace, three 5sos brackets, black high waisted short and purple DC high tops. I put it all on looked in the mirror, braided my hair then I put my 5sos snap back hat on top. I put a little eyeliner and some mascara and I walked down stairs. "Hey mom." I say as I walk into the kitchen. "Hey honey. Ready to finish packing?" She asks. "Um why?" I say. "To move to Australia?!" She says confused "Oh ya." I answer if you cant tell already I'm not to happy to move to Australia. It means I have to move away from all my friends. I can't really make friends, people say I'm to weird and I have to start high school there. I was scared to start with friends. Now to start without, how will I survive. "So go pack. We leave in..." She says as she looks at her phone. "In 45 mintues. You just need to pack your cloths and loose things in your room. Ok?" My mom asks. "Ok!" I say as I walk up the stairs. "Fuck..." I say under my breath. If your wondering about my dad he died in a car crash when I was 8, so it's just me and my mom. So I grab a big ass box. Because I have a lot of things. So I start filling the box. "Wait... Mom! Do I pack all my clothes or do I leave some out?" I yell. "Oh right Umm leave like four outfits out just in case and put them in a suit case!"she answers. "Ok!" I yell back. So I start doing that. After I was done packing which actually didn't take very long. I sat on my bed which we pack last. I sat on my phone going through youtube I watch a couple videos from pewdiepie and a couple from thread banger, then I started watching 5sos. God the were so perfect if I could just hang out with at least one of them for a day that would be amazing. I was getting tired so I laid down and let the tiredness take over.
I woke up to my mom yelling once again. "JAEYN! JAEYN COME ON THE MOVING TRUCKS ARE COMING SOON GET EVERYTHING READY!!" She yells to me. "OK! IN MY ROOM OR DOWN STAIRS?!" I ask. "UMM DOWNSTAIRS WITH THE REST PLEASE!" So I got up looked in the mirror. Good when I slept none of my makeup smeared best day of my life just kidding. So we packed everything in two moving trucks and now me and my mom are gathering our suitcases so we can head to the airport. Oh and by the way I live in Saskatoon, Canada ya going from cold to hot it's going to be a nice change... hopefully. "Are we leaving yet?" I asked my mom. "I thought you didn't wanna go?" My mom asked back smirking. "I don't I just wanna be be in my own room in my own bed." I answered. "Ok. Ya were leaving now grab your suitcases." "Ok" we walked out and there was a cab waiting. Oh if your wondering why were moving its because my mom got a job there for teaching, it pays better then here and they pay for our house for 4 years then we pay for it after that. "So mom how long is the flight?" "About 18 hours." "Da hell. That's long." "I know but now you can sleep for the whole plane ride." "Ya sure" My mom likes to make fun of me because I'm like a sloth I sleep most of the time, like 14 hours a day. But I did end up falling a sleep on the plane, but thank god my mom was seated next to me because she will wake me up.
"Jaeyn were here!" "Really?" "Ya. You exited for our new house?" "Kinda" Our other house was kinda small but I doubt this house will be any bigger. *after we get off the plane and into a taxi*
I was wrong we were in a neighbourhood that looked like the rich neighbourhood. With big houses and big backyards with pools. "Hey mom are we on the right street?" "Yep!" What no way. We pulled up at a huge house and I mean huge. "Is this our house?" "Yep. Do you like Australia now?" "Hell Ya!" So I get out of the taxi and I grab my stuff from the trunk. I run to the door... An it's locked really I wanted it to be like a movie were the kid moves into a big house she grab her things and runs into the house looking at everything. But no "hey mom hurry!" "I'm coming! I'm coming!" She walks up to the front door and puts her things down she grabs the key put it in and opens the door. I'm in shock it was beautiful Ive never been in a house this big and this beautiful and I live in it wow. "Which room is mine?" I ask my mom "umm the first door on your right." So I walk up this beautiful staircase I walk down this long hallway and I come to a door my door. I open it and I walk in. My room was huge I had my own bathroom and a huge walk-in-closet. I had one of those windows with a couch in front. So I started to put my clothes that I had away. When I finished I went down stairs.
"Hey mom when will the rest of our things come?" "Tomorrow. So we sleep in the floor tonight but we have a pool why don't you go swimming?" "Because I didn't pack a bathing suit." "Oh well good thing I brought one of yours here." She throw me my purple bathing suit. It was a bikini and I don't really wear them in public because I feel insecure, but I guess my own backyard is fine. So I ran up and changed. I left my hair in the braid. Thank god I have waterproof makeup, I grabbed a towel and ran downstairs. I walked out the back door and wow my backyard is huge its like a football field but a little smaller. "Mom the yard is huge. Come look." I yell. I hear her come out side. "Wow that's huge. Now go swim." "Ok" I ran off to the pool it was a pretty big pool and I was having fun until I hear something. "Hey you guys we have new neighbours lets go meet them!" I hear a boy say in a Aussie accent. "Not unless they have a hot daughter!" Another hot Aussie accent says. "Really Luke is that all you think about?" Some other Aussie boy asks. "Ok Ashton's right we should go meet them!" Another Aussie voice says. So I know two of four names Luke and Ashton if only it was 5sos. I get out of the pool and I look to my left and I see a huge trampoline. It could fit 100 people. So I run over and I start jumping I try to land my front flip, but of course I didn't. "Hey mom we have a trampoline!" I yell. "Really Jaeyn how big?" "It's huge!" "That's what she said!" "Mom! That's not appropriate!" "I know you were thinking it!" She says as she walks out of the house. "Maybe! But I'm not admitting it! Come jump!" "K! Coming" My mom jumps on the trampoline. She's like my best friend she will do the silliest things. "Can you do a front flip mom?" I do a front flip and I land it. "No. But you can." "I can do a straddle jump, a pike, a front flip, a back flip, a front handspring and a back handspring. "Watch" I do a front flip to a front handspring to a back flip to a back handspring then a straddle and a pike. If you can't tell already I love gymnastics and cheer. "Good job Jaeyn!" My mom says as she starts jumping "Now we're having people over soon, awhile ago some neighbours came by and I asked them to stay for supper, so I gotta go make food." She says as she gets off the trampoline. "And no, they are not old!" "Thank god!" I continue jumping. I always wanted a trampoline. "Hey mom tonight I'm sleeping on the trampoline!" "Ok just be careful" I love my mom. Then I hear the door bell. "Jaeyn people!" "Coming." I didn't really care I was in my bathing suit so I just walked in. Bad idea, why you may ask it's because I'm front of me were 4 hot ass boys and the first impression from me was me being half naked. "Um hello" then I realized it was 5 seconds of summer standing in front of me. "OMG!! " I scream. "Um mom be right back." I run out the back door and I jump in the pool I get really hyper when I'm exited. That didn't calm me down so I got out and I hoped on the trampoline. "Oh my god! Oh my god!" I say to myself jumping. "Jaeyn are you ok?" My mom asks not noticing Ashton, Michael Calum and Luke behind her. "Um no not really. They are my idols and the four idiots from Aussie that I love." "Aw thanks! love you too!" Ashton says. "Oh fuck. They were behind you um... Awkward! To change the subject what are we eating? And can I eat in the trampoline?" "Um we are eating piz-."my mom tries to answer "PIZZA!" Michael yells "Um is that ok?!" And of course knowing me I but in. "Ya he just loves pizza. Michael wants another slice. Michael wants another slice. PIZZA! PIZZA!" I say jumping on the trampoline landing on my back and laughing. "Ya your daughters got it!" Calum says. "She's hot!" I hear Luke whisper to Calum. "Excuse me Luke?" I say smirking. "What!? Oh... Nothing..." Luke says blushing "he called you hot!" Calum says smirking. "Well on that note. Jaeyn don't get pregnant!" My mom says as she walks into the kitchen. And I'm left with 5sos so I start jumping again. "She was joking right?" Mikey asks me. "Ya she jokes around. Did I embarrass you Hemmings?" Whoa where did all this confidence come from. "N-No" he stutters. "Come here." I say I sit in the edge of the trampoline. He walks up to me and I hug him. He's shocked but hugs me back. "All better?" I say as I let go, he just nods. "Come jump you guys!" I yell and they all hop on the trampoline. "Watch this and watch out!" I say before I do a back flip to a back handspring to a front flip to a front hand spring to a pike and a straddle. "Wow all I can do I jump." Ashton says disappointed. "Come on follow me." I say as I jump of the trampoline. I run in the house up the stairs to my room. And I hide behind the door. I hear them running up the stairs and I see them walk into my room. "Where did Jaeyn go." Calum asks "I don't know" Michael answers I was about to jump out, but then Luke started talking. "You guys I really like Jaeyn!" What we just met. "Luke! What? How? Why?" Ashton asks. "I don't know I just got butterflies when she hugged me" Luke's back was facing me so I crept up behind him and I jumped on him back like a piggyback ride. "Ahhhhh! Oh my god Jaeyn you scared the sh- poo outta me!" Luke yells "good and you can swear my mom doesn't really care!" "Wait did you hear what we were talking about?" Michael asks "nope" popping the p. "Kids diners ready!" My mom yell we race down stairs. "PIZZA! And pop?" I ask "no Jaeyn you can die of dehydration. Yes I got pop!" "Sprite?!" "The biggest they had!" "YES!" "I hope you boys didn't want any because she won't share!" "No mom I'll share just half of it is mine!" I walk to the fridge to grab it and I hear my mom. "Wow she really likes you boys she never shares even with her family!" I walk back with the sprite and 5 glasses and I pour them pop. "Hey boys would you like to stay the night I don't want Jaeyn outside alone." What did she... Ugh. "Um ya sure." Ashton says "Why is she sleeping outside?" Luke asks "because the rest of our things like our beds don't come till tomorrow! But I'm sleeping on the trampoline" I answer. "Oh. You really like that trampoline don't you?" Calum asks "She loves it!" Me mom answers.
*5 minutes later*
"K I'm done. I'm going to go grab the pillow and blankets." I say standing up. "Want help?" Luke, Calum, Michael and Ashton all say. "Sure" we all walk up the stair to my moms room. We walk in and It was a little smaller then my room. We grabbed then stuff then went outside. "Ok well how are we sleeping on here?" I ask "um we could get half and you could get the other?" Ashton answers. "No I meant the order. Um how about oldest to youngest?" "Ok!" My first night in Australia is with 5sos never would of thought.

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