newfound clarity

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One tear fell after another.

Jangmi lays motionless above the soft mattress of the Prince's bed as she ponders over the dream she just had.

She knew it was no mere dream; it was a fragment of Jemma's memories and unknowingly, it began the tears that were threatening to fall ever since the break of dawn.

In the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the curtains, Jangmi tilted her head to the side and observed Seonghwa as he slept peacefully.

His features, usually animated with life, now rested in tranquillity. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest painted a serene picture.

His dark lashes cast delicate shadows on his cheekbones and a stray lock of hair grazed his forehead, adding a touch of vulnerability to his strong presence.

As she traced the contours of his face with her eyes, the world seemed to pause, allowing her to appreciate the peace inside of him.

"I'm sorry, Mars" She uttered through her brittle voice, a voice full of bitterness as her shaky fingers stretched and uncreased his furrowing brows.

Seonghwa, the man who paints such things that the world thought it knew. But in such a way that each colour, each hue, and each texture, is so surreal. It transcended through man's capability and extent. Her legs felt heavy, yet her heart was heavier.

The dull pain that is present in her stomach and chest was an indication of yesterday's incident. Forcingly heaving herself up, she fixes her clothes before placing her feet on the cold floor, finding balance so that she can walk without any aid.

Jangmi slowly opens the door from the chamber and shifts her head to the left, looking to see if anyone is around. Yet the hallways were empty and silent.

Or so she has thought.

"Good Morning," She breathed and mustered a forced smile, the tears from her face had already dried yet that didn't go unnoticed by Jongho gaped at her with wide eyes. "How have you been?"

"I should be the one asking you that," Jongho shattered from his shock and breathed out a shocked sigh, clutching his chest in the process.

The moment Jongho woke up from the process of detoxifying his body, the palace occupants instantly made him do minimal physical activities, and everyone took turns aiding the latter in a walker to take laps around the palace. Coincidentally, it was Yunho's turn when they bumped into her.

"There's nothing to worry about me, I'm still alive and kicking." Jangmi replied with a small grin before trying to uncrease her wrinkled nightgown.

"Ah, if you don't mind me asking, when is the trial?" She lifted her gaze. The tone in her voice was placid and calm like she was talking about the weather and not asking when a person would be executed on the gallows.

"Trial?" Jongho disbelievingly spoke, thinking Jangmi wouldn't even know about it. "For Kim Eunbyeol?"

"You know what I am talking about."

"The King and his ministers are going to have a meeting about the incident, but wait, how did you even know what happened in the first place?" Jongho raised a brow and she merely shrugs in response. Yunho then shot Jangmi a meaningful gaze as their eyes met.

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now