unbinding the shadows

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"Is there something troubling you? You don't look okay at all,"

Chaehwa observed the latter, her eyes narrowing with concern as she took in Jangmi's disheveled appearance.

The lines of worry were evident on Jangmi's face, her eyes were clouded with an indecipherable emotion and her posture slightly slouched.

The pianist took a deep, shaky breath, the weight of her decision heavy in her chest. She paused for a moment, her eyes flickering with a mix of apprehension as she carefully chose her words. "I've decided to stop,"

Without clarifying what she was speaking of, Chaehwa immediately grasped what Jangmi meant.

Without a moment's hesitation, the midnight-haired moved forward, enveloping Jangmi in a tight, comforting embrace. Her arms wrapped protectively around her, offering warmth and solace.

"It's okay, Jangmi," Chaehwa whispered soothingly, her voice soft and reassuring. "You don't have to carry that burden anymore."

After all, Jangmi decided to be merciful just this once as she finally placed an end to everything— she decided that Eunbyeol, Lady Minseo and Daeun would leave the Kingdom and start anew in a distant empire. Instead of imprisonment or harsh labour within the palace, she uses the favour she gained from Wooyoung.

Is that to give them the opportunity for a fresh start; but with a twist.

Jangmi arranged for them to work as labourers in a distant empire, far from the familiar surroundings of the Kingdom they dwell. All the businesses, remaining maids and the Kim Manor were officially under Hongjoong's name as how it used to belong to him. The tasks assigned would be challenging for them yet it was a chance for them to rebuild their lives outside the shadow of their previous actions towards Jemma.

The departure would serve as a form of penance and a chance for them to learn from their mistakes— a pursuit of redemption.

On which this marks, the end of her rage.

During this moment, she decides to finally break through the chains of vengeance and set not only her soul free; but Jemma's too.

Detangling herself from Chaehwa's embrace, Jangmi couldn't shake off the unease inside of her.

From the corner of her eye, she caught a movement by a figure, a woman with red hair.

Jangmi instantly casts her eyes on the floor-to-ceiling windows in the distance where she caught the sight of Young Miss Hongmo . Yet the moment their eyes met, the red-haired maiden scurried away from her sight.

A frown etched the pianist's face.

"Have you heard about a Young Miss named Hongmo?" Jangmi raised a question and Chaehwa furrowed her brow in response, "It seems like it, why?"

"Why is she still here?"

Chaehwa paused for a moment before she began, "She's from the Kingdom Keahi which explains her vibrant red hair, the Queen welcomed her to stay in the palace for a while as the journey back to her Kingdom is a long one." She pondered, "Why do you ask?"

Jangmi wanted to speak of the recent encounter, the sinister look Hongmo gave her after the hasty retreat, yet she decided to keep quiet.

"It's nothing,"


In the alchemy-lit room, Jangmi carefully measured ingredients, her focus unwavering.

The air buzzed with anticipation as herbs mingled under her touch, conducting an antidote.

An antidote that once given, marks the brink of her remaining days in the palace.

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now