past revelations

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As Luna begins their descent towards the ground, it becomes apparent that her expected graceful landing has taken an unexpected turn.

The landing resembles less of a controlled glide and more of a rollercoaster ride, complete with sporadic twirls and dips.

Jangmi found herself widening her eyes, her heart dropping to her stomach whilst her hands found their place in the Prince's arms. "Is this normal?"

Seonghwa, trying to stifle his amusement amidst the air reassures her. "Normal for Luna. Though It's a bit... unconventional."

Luna, seemingly embracing the chaos,  continues with whimsical twists and turns, turning the landing into an unexpected, yet entertaining spectacle.

"Sorry for my enrapturing descent," Luna shot them an apologetic glance when Seonghwa then guided Jangmi to reach the ground.

The pianist, though could do it by herself, accepted the latter's courtly gesture and faced the dragon. She gave a grateful pat on her black iridescent scales but Luna merely nudged them with her snout, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Time for you two to enjoy the festival," She teased, her voice filled with playful affection. "I'll be wandering the night skies. Don't miss me too much."

Seonghwa coldly adds, "We won't,"

Luna, feigning hurt, retorts, "Well, I never! Off I go to seek adoration from more appreciative stars. Don't wait up for my grand return, Your Highness." With an exaggerated dragon huff, she takes off into the night sky, leaving Jangmi stifling laughter at her dramatic exit.

Seonghwa then averts his eyes to the sky and to hers, his once indifferent mask when he faced Luna melted into a look full of tenderness.

He extended his palms and the latter took it without hesitation. There, hand in hand, Seonghwa led her through the heart of the Festival of Celestial Mirage.

The village itself was a quaint haven, adorned with luminescent lanterns and ethereal decorations that mirrored the night sky. Laughter and joy echoed through the cobblestone streets as people revelled in the enchanting atmosphere.

And as they approached, illusions of moons, stars, and galaxies materialized above, casting a celestial mirage that painted the night in hues of cosmic beauty.

"Welcome to the Festival of Celestial Mirage!" An old lady welcomed them, her eyes evident that they were travellers wandering in their Kingdom. "Look up, and you'll see the illusions—the moons, stars, and galaxies. Each one has its magical effect, these illusions respond to your touch. So try reaching for the stars."

Jangmi gazed at the mesmerizing display, and as she did, a cascade of starlight showered around them.

Celestial Mirage Festival, A celebration where illusions of celestial bodies like moons, stars, and galaxies manifest in the sky, creating a mesmerizing celestial mirage.

Jangmi extended her hand, fingers brushing against the illusory stars. A gentle breeze of stardust enveloping them.

Intricate patterns of light danced around them, casting a dreamlike glow upon the streets they entered. They began to wander beneath the canopy of the Festival, where the air was filled with the gentle hum of ethereal stars.

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now