serenade of stardust

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Jangmi felt a whirlwind of emotions after learning about Seonghwa's past amidst the festival.

As the festival's lively music swirled through the air, Jangmi told him all of the words he never knew he wished to hear; followed by a sense of relief that he finally had the chance to explain himself.

He wasn't the villain they saw him as and that he wasn't the sinful man they accused him of. After all, he is just a prince who figured out that the way to navigate the word they perceived him as a villain is to harden his tender heart.

Their conversation had long ended when Jangmi forcingly pulled Seonghwa into the heart of the streets again when a dance spontaneously ignited during the celebration. Suddenly, a well-dressed man who appears to have organized the event announced, "In the dance of the moonlight, each pair becomes blessed. Dance with a partner, and the moon's blessings will forever accompany you!"

At the mere mention of the blessing by the moon; this caught Jangmi's interest as she shot a knowing look at the prince. Yet as much as she's excited about it, the latter seems to feel the opposite.

He slightly raised his both arms to express his hesitation. "As much as I love you, but my dancing skills are horrendous."

"That's nonsense! You just need to find your rhythm and don't give me that look, anyone can dance." She huffs in response.

"And my rhythm is a broken compass trying to navigate a dance floor."

She shot him an amused glare while stifling her laughter. Who knew the same prince everyone feared could also get mischievous? Determined, she blocks his figure when he attempts to retract himself from the scene.

"Come on it's just a dance! You'll never know if we can even see this festival by next year, who knows if there won't be a next time?" Jangmi continued to persuade the Prince, and what was supposedly an amusingly convincing conversation; made an uncomfortable pit settle in his stomach.

Who knows if there won't be a next time?

Her words echoed in his mind like an echo. He gazes at the maiden before him with hope and anticipation brewing within her eyes, a sight that makes it even more impossible to refute the offer.

He should be willing to take every chance he could have to be with her because who knew what fate would have to offer for them ahead?

Life has multiple twists and turns, you'll never know what unfolds in the upcoming days.

And a little twist and turn in the dance floor does not hurt anyone. Does it?

Seonghwa finally relented with a slight grin. "Alright,"

Jangmi enthusiastically led him onto the cobblestone floor where other couples had begun to dance to the rhythm of the music. A slow romantic music plays. It's the kind of music that wraps around you, allowing the emotions to unfold gradually, making it a perfect for the moment.

In the celestial waltz, Seonghwa's feet momentarily betrayed him, causing a gentle stumble. Yet, instead of embarrassment, Jangmi's laughter chimed in his ears, turning the stumble into a more amusing memory.

In the dance of the moonlight, they discovered that sometimes, the most enchanting steps are taken in the arms of the one you love.

Meanwhile, In a quiet corner of the festival, an aged man; a painter with a soul attuned to love, observed Seonghwa and Jangmi's enchanting dance.

Inspired by their wholesome moment, he felt an irresistible urge to capture it on canvas. Setting up his easel, he began to paint, each stroke infused with the magic he sensed between the couple.

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