brushstrokes of bonds

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The following hours after midnight have finally struck.

The waves crashed onto the shore, hugging the white sand onto its salty embrace followed by a powerful gush of the coastal winds.  Seonghwa ran his fingers through his hair while Jangmi gazed at the horizon where the moonlight played on the water.

Together, they found comfort in the simple beauty of the quiet night, surrounded by the warm lights of lanterns as they strolled, hand in hand.

Drawn by the gentle lull of the waves under the moonlit sky, the more they silently walked, a figure of a young girl appeared in their eyes, the view of hers getting larger and larger as they approached.

Jangmi surveys the youth, Seonghwa's gaze following next. The little girl was sitting on the edge of the coastline, dangling her little legs and casting her gaze to the left and right, seemingly anticipating someone to buy her sales, but with none. Her shoulders slump low.

She was surrounded by easels attached to canvases on the beach, and on the ground there laid packs of paintbrushes, a cup and a palette with colours. The girl seemed wise beyond her years, despite what Jangmi assumed she was at the tender age of seven.

"Hello there, little one. What brings you to sell at this hour?" Jangmi approaced, her voice carrying a gentle tone. The girl seems to be taken aback by the sudden voice, but she eases, holding onto a small canvas as her gaze becomes soft.

"I want to help my sick mother. Art brings her joy, and I thought maybe I could share that joy with others too."

Jangmi, touched by the sincerity of her eyes, couldn't help but express her concern. "That's a beautiful sentiment, but selling things at night can be risky. Have you thought about doing this during the day when it's safer?" She kneels to level the youth. The girl, still clutching onto her artistic wares, nodded in understanding.

"I chose the night because it's quiet, and people can feel the peace of the sea. I want to inspire others through art, just like my mom inspires me."

Meanwhile, as Seonghwa silently listens to their conversation, a subtle feeling of warmth settles in his stomach. The moment itself reminded him of his younger self; a child with endless longing for art.

"How about we buy some art in exchange you will go home safely?" He lowers his towering body to also level the petite girl, his gaze softening and he sticks out his pinky finger. "I will also promise that I will make something special with the empty canvas you sell, what do you think?"

As Jangmi watched him, a soft grin adorned her face.

The Prince, once known for his icy demeanour and piercing glares, has completely transformed into a tender-hearted man who embraced how it is to be human. A man with emotions. A man who has passions instead of just wielding swords. A man she is beyond certain, she truly loved with her heart.

The little girl seems to cheekily ponder before shooting him a bright beam, "Alright!" Her eyes lit up and she carefully prepared a single easel with a canvas, followed by Seonghwa pointing at the paintbrushes and paints, saying he wanted to get them too. As the moment flowed, the girl whom they now knew as Yeonwoo, shared stories about her mother's love for art and how it had become a source of comfort during times of strife.

Red String (Series #1) \\ Ateez ✔Where stories live. Discover now