Chapter 16

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I raced down the hallways, my papers flying with my glorious golden-reddish hair, sleepily. Of course, as the only child of Sleeping Beauty, otherwise known as Briar Rose, I'm always sleepy.

Until I bumped into a brown haired gorgeous.

My papers literally went flying as I scraped my new trainers on the ground, then ending up right on the floor. My butt hit first. It was not a pretty sight.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Really, what had gotten into me bumping into that guy every day? I sighed and took his hand. "Kai, you need to watch your way."

"Nah, you need to," he smirked playfully, handing me my papers.

I just bumped his shoulder and raced toward the history classroom again.

The classroom had only a teacher with bobbing blonde hair sitting on a chair. It wasn't Miss Merryberry, the person I'd been expecting. It was... Mrs Chae? What was she doing here, I thought she was a substitute Homeroom teacher? 

"Mrs Chae?" I said. The figure turned, and I saw her sparkling blue eyes staring at me.

"Oh hello Skylor, how lovely to see you," she smiled. "Are those the papers?"

"Yess?" I said, confused.

"Thanks darling... oh, you seem lost? What's wrong?" Mrs Chae asked soothingly.

"I thought Miss Merryberry was the history teacher," I said.

"Oh she was, but since the taking of the Book... she's been nowhere to be seen." said Mrs Chae, folding the papers up.

"W-what? What taking of the b-book?" I asked, shocked.

Mrs Chae sighed. "The spies for Wu were defeated by an unknown group of people that might've or might not have taken the Destiny Book from the Determining Room."

The Determining Room was the special place the Destiny Book was held.

After I left the history classroom, I wondered when the Book had been taken. It was all sudden. In mathematics, I overheard two students chatting about the break-in.

"The goblins must've taken some people," the blonde haired person, named Ellison, said.

"Or at least injured them, my sister's in the Hospital Wing," the black haired person, called Josephine, said.

The girl next to me, Seliel, smiled. "Hey. You're Skylor, right?"

"Yes. And you're Seliel!" I said, not sure what to say.

"Yep. My brother's in the Hospital Wing." She fiddled with her thumb tack. "It's suspicious really, how those goblins broke in and the Book was taken."

"I thought Wu was good with elves and goblins... those are his spies and helpers, and he trusts the species," I said reasonably.

"Yeah... maybe they're different goblins and elves?"

I thought about it for a moment. I wonder who'd taken the Book.


Ahhh writer's block really gets me... hope you've enjoyed this chapter!!

(And this book so far LOL)

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