Chapter 5

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I'm too lazy to update TSN XD and I only have like 2 parts.

But, yeah, I'll update in my own time. Enjoy this!

(PS Miss Merryberry is SUS!)



As I rushed to my locker to collect my things for the working thingy mig-jig for the little kid Egyptian session, I thought, Why is Kaiden so dumb? Kids are soooo cute! How are they annoying? Then I snorted.

It's probably 'cause of me, I thought.

Everyone piled into their classrooms. It's quite not fair that I'm 2 years younger than Kai, since I'm more sensible. I joke when I need to, be bossy when I need to, but I never joke around unnecessarily.

Unlike a certain big brother that is 18 years old.

Anyways, as I settled down in my seat, my teacher, Miss Merryberry, stepped up the stage where teachers usually sit on with their little roly-poly chairs and their steady desk.

"Good afternoon, students!" She checked her watch as I groaned. Didn't this teacher, who was about forty years old, not know it was only 11 am?

"Ah, sorry. Good 11 am, students." She corrected herself stupidly. Like, that does NOT make sense. Actually, whatever Miss Merryberry says doesn't make sense.

"Good 11 am!" The students chimed in unison. All of them must be thinking, Miss Merryberry is so stupid, 'cause I'm thinking that, I thought. Stupid Miss Merryberry.

"Mr Can's class, Room 19, is going to come with Room 2 any time soon. So get your stuff ready! Mr Can and I have already organised the groups, with 3 vic- I mean, people, in each group. When they come, I'll explain the rest," Miss Merryberry saw my brother's class and teacher at the doorway, followed by a big bunch of cute little kids and — oh! My old teacher, Mrs Rye! Oh, how I miss her so!

I resisted the urge to scream. Look, Kai, if you see those cutesy wootsey little faces, wouldn't you coo?

To my surprise, no one did. Am I stupid, or am I stupid?

What I mean by that statement is that, I don't even know if anybody would be immature or stupid enough to coo at 11:23 am in the morning at a bunch of chubby kids.

I mean, they're all 14 to 15 years old, and the room numbers don't match their age. Not lying, the numbers aren't even organised. To be honest, they're a big bowl of spaghetti.

I forgot meatballs. Silly me.

My brother's class walked in, chatting. The 'little' kids silently followed along. I don't get it. All the people who are younger than my stupid brother's class are more mature than him. I think it's because Kai hates learning too much. Ugh. Why wouldn't mum scold him?

Actually, she scolds him a lot. Probably too much for my taste in scolding.

"Sit, sit," Miss Merryberry smiled. It wasn't quite a natural smile. Looks like you drew a smile on a face with no smiles on with toothpaste. It was straight and like a fake one.

Kai sat next to me on a spare seat. "Looks like I'm stuck with my lil' sis and annoying brats," He whistled.

"You sound happy," I say.

Kai groaned. "I'm not."

I rolled my eyes. "You sound like a dumb happy crow," I patted my desk. "Cause I think you are one."

My brother narrowed his thick eyebrows.

I resisted the urge to laugh and laugh and laugh.

"I will read out the groups," Mr Can grabbed a sheet of paper. With my owl eyes, I could clearly see tiny printed ink in words with delicate commas. I wanted to grab the sheet of paper and read it all through fully.

"Lloyden, Mya and Harumi, Akita, Nelson and Ray, Dexter, Anne, and Darren, blah blah blah blah, blah blah," Mr Can said. I dozed off. Seriously. I fell asleep. 

When I awoke, Mr Can was still going. Bruh, that's seriously long. I checked my Ninjapple watch.


Wow, Mr Can. If I were him, I would run off, go to the water fountain STRAIGHT AWAY and gulp down all the water the earth could possibly provide.

"And... lucky last, Nyana, Scales and Joy." Mr Can announced.

Part of me wanted yelp for joy of not being with my older brother. Another part of me — the stupid part of me — wanted to scream for help. Just looking at that scary guy (who is apparently called Scales) made me shiver.

Are you serious, Nya? I asked myself. You're NOT a baby. You're Nyana White, the best person in the WORLD!

"Uh, so, I guess....?" Scales said as we moved to a space that was NOT part of Kai's territory.

Joy, who I thought was a girl but is apparently a boy, said, "You mean I guess we work together on the project."

I was secretly impressed with the 14 year old boy. He seemed pretty responsible.

"Yes, uh, exactly," Scales said nervously.

I rolled my eyes. "Scales, you can't seriously be scared of working with Joy. That's stupid." I pointed at a blank spot. "We should probably sit there."


After settling down, we quietly shared ideas. Scales'd brought a tri-fold, like Miss Merryberry instructed us to. 

Kai brought the last tri-fold we had at home. We did Paper Scissors Rock and Kai won. He always wins. It's kinda not fair.

"We should make a project about the Nile River," Said Joy, who loved rivers and streams.

Scales somehow snorted with his snake like body. "Nah. Maybe the Pharaoh?" He asked.

I agreed with Joy. 

"If we were doing an Ancient Greece/Rome thingy, I would pick the River Styx," Joy had said. 

I am terribly stupid. I have no idea what River Styx is.

So we started collecting facts about the Nile. Then we started making the prototype model out of leftover cardboard and plastic. 

Most of the facts were from the internet, 'cause even Joy didn't know that much about the Nile, since he was literally Scottish.

"Hey, give me the scissors," Scales snorted.

"Say please," I told him.

Scales growled. "Give it to me immediately, jerk."

I seriously was so annoyed.


"You're gonna regret this," Scales said.

I don't know, Scales.

As we cut out the shapes for the Egyptians fishing by the Nile, I wondered if I was gonna regret not passing Scales scissors. I mean, it's just scissors. I watched as Scales growled and snatched a pair of scissors from the tables.

Strange.... I mean.... Miss Merryberry and Scales are strange.... Kinda, but...


The bell went. Bye.

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