Danny Pov Artifacts

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Well. This was certainly a situation. I now needed some old ass ghostly artifacts that were probably god knows where if I wanted phantom to let me do my schoolwork in peace. I groaned all I wanted was a normal life. Was that really that hard to ask for? I sighed again before walking inside. I told phantom I would give him his chance to go do phantom things so I was going to bed. It wasn't long until we were face to face again. This time we were in the park. The stars shining above us and I had a telescope. It was awesome. I loved dreams like this. Where I could just star watch without a distraction. I smiled gently before remembering the ghost who was watching me with a curious expression. "Where are we?" I stared at him "The park?" I watched as he looked up and a soft look crossed his face. A look of admiration and wonder. I smiled. It was a nice look. Then he looked over at me curiously "Can we get closer?" I blinked then looked up "Yeah probably. I know just about everything about space and it's my dream. I focused and floated up and phantom followed eagerly like a puppy. I chuckled and we flew higher until we were in the clouds and I stopped. He frowned and tugged at my hands "No. Let's keep going. I want to see!" I hesitated for a moment but finally relented and me and phantom spent the night's dream exploring space and talking about the stars.

The Halfa Ghost KingWhere stories live. Discover now