It's A Deal

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I learned very quickly that human's are very weird. They have these like systems. It's very odd. Everything is so straightforward in the ghost zone to hear how humans work is very out there. I frowned as I tapped my throne. "So what your saying is never trust a human? I don't understand. You humans are so different from I." Danny looked like he was ready to cry when he finally told me to just ignore everything his parents said and I happily agreed. I was tired of arguing. Arguing wasn't really my style anyways. I was much more content to just protect and obey for that was my job as the kings advisor and core. I smiled once before finally leaning into my throne "Well then I suppose we have a deal. I will ignore your parents but you must go into the zone every Sunday. I can feel it falling apart without me. It needs us Danny the zone is our lair." I saw Danny suddenly droop down. "Everything is a deal to you isn't it?" I blinked at him "It's the ghost zone way." I watched as a light bulb went off in Danny's head and he suddenly shouted "I got it!" Why don't we switch lives for a day? You live my life tomorrow and I'll live yours. I'll go into the zone and be a king but you have to go to school and hang out with my friends and be a human!" I stared at him for a second before grinning "Deal."

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