heartfelt words of a son

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After being stumped on writing for some time, I finally was able to create this (and am working on another fic currently as well). Loki gets to go back to talk with Frigga and lets some things out that he's been keeping to them self for sometime. How will it go? Read on to find out.


"Please, I need to see her. One last time." Loki's expression was soft and pleading as he looked at Mobius, hopeful that his friend would grant him this one wish; though he had many, this one was of the utmost importance to the god. Mobius shifted his gaze off to the side and he became deep in thought as he weighed the pros and cons of letting Loki have this. He trusted him enough though not to do anything to cause a nexus event on the sacred timeline and he hoped that he was right in doing so. The man let a soft sigh out and nodded in agreement, "Alright but promise me you won't do anything to mess the timeline up. You can do that for me, yes?"

Loki nodded. "I swear it to you Mobius." He had no intention of causing a branched reality, only to see his mother again. He wanted to say so many things to her, to tell her how sorry he was and to hug her again, before he would lose the one person who had cared about him for good; apart from his brother and now, Mobius.

"Good. Then I'll let you go but I can only give you a few minutes, unfortunately. Any longer and we risk a nasty branch forming on the timeline. Understood?"

"Yes. Thank you my friend, you don't know what this means to me," Loki smiled a little and prepared himself mentally to see his mother again. It had felt as if it had been so long and perhaps it was; or maybe it wasn't, Loki couldn't tell anymore. All he knew was he needed this, more than anything else in the entire universe right now.

The time door soon opened and Loki stepped towards it, glancing at Mobius before going into it; where they would soon end up back in Asgard, 2013.

Loki took a moment, however brief, to gaze out at the scenery he had come to miss so much. It was so golden and beautiful, truly. He wanted to be saddened over the fact that he knew a few years from now that this realm he had called 'home' for so long would be completely destroyed but he had a mission to complete; the mourning would need to be done on his own time and in private. He took a deep breath in and slowly exhaled it, taking the first steps to wander through the palace in search of his mother. He would be lying to himself if he said he wasn't nervous and emotional about this-which is exactly what he was doing inwardly.

The prince walked around and kept his focus on finding her, hoping that he hadn't arrived here a moment too late. Luckily, he wasn't; Loki heard his mother's soft voice speaking with her handmaidens and politely excused herself to have some alone time. As he heard the sound of multiple heals clicking on the marble floor, Loki quickly teleported himself into hiding behind a pillar where the trickster shapeshifted into a maiden; he was supposed to be locked up in the dungeons in this timeline after all and his appearance would surely have the alarms sounded.

"Good day ladies." The maidens smiled softly, not suspecting a single thing and said their greetings as they made their way down the long corridor. Loki watched carefully and when the moment was right, he shifted back into himself, promptly heading to his mother's chambers. Within seconds of entering the room, he saw her and he was almost speechless, a lump catching in his throat as he gazed at her. She was looking out over her balcony, fidgeting with one of her rings and as she sensed the presence of another being in her chamber, she slowly turned around-that warm, soft smile that Loki was so accustomed to on her gentle features.

"Loki," her voice was welcoming and soothing as she approached him, raising her hands up to caress her son's face.

Loki blinked in an effort to keep his tears from leaving his blue eyes. "Mother, it's so good to see you again. I don't know how to explain this but I don't have much time. I-," he was about to continue when Frigga interjected.

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