A Plush Surprise

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A/N: After having a rough day, Loki surprises you with something to cheer you up. Does it work? You'll have to read on to find out. Also, sorry this is a little short. I hope to write something longer in the near future. 

You were having a bit of a bad day and quite frankly, you wished that it would all be over; wanting to crawl back into the safety of your bed and not come out for hours. Apart from being clumsy and dropping practically everything you touched, you found yourself tripping over nothing and discovered a tear in a bag you were carrying, praying to whoever would hear you that it wouldn't break. Not until you made it home at least, which thankfully it never did break (though one of your nails did, much to your dismay). Would anything good ever come of this wretched day? You were seriously beginning to wonder, even though it seemed doubtful. Must've been a full moon going on, you thought to yourself in a bit of a muttered tone.

Despite the negativity of this particular day, there was one constant you could depend on though, no matter how bad things got. One of the very few people in this world, no, this universe who understood you and that was none other than your long-time beau, Loki. He was there to lend his shoulder for you whenever you needed it and would endlessly listen to you whenever you needed to vent about your day; no matter how little your problem might seem to you. He loved to make you laugh, and always made it his mission to put that adorable smile of yours he adored so much back on your face. You were his source of sunshine and he hated to see a cloud diminishing that brightness, so he did whatever it took to make that pesky cloud go away.

As you made your way home, trying not to ask yourself the question of 'what'll go wrong next?', you put your shopping away and plopped yourself down onto the couch, releasing an exasperated sigh out as you did so. "What a day," you mumbled, closing your eyes for a brief moment to get your thoughts together. Loki soon made his appearance into the living room from the kitchen, having just finished an afternoon snack. "Ah, I thought I heard you come in darling," he softly said, approaching you and the warm smile he had on his face soon faded away as he sensed your dismay. "Uh oh, what happened dear? Who do I have to hurt?"

You opened your eyes and looked at your love. "No one baby. Not unless you're willing to attack the sidewalk and a flimsy bag. It's just been one of those off days for me," you replied, sitting up more in your seat. Loki nodded in understanding. "I see and while the notion of attacking a block of concrete sounds utterly ridiculous, know that I'd do it for you my dear." Of course he would, and you knew it so much too. There were no limits when it came to you. He had taken a moment to think about things and smirked to himself, remembering that he had bought you something awhile back and felt as if he had now been presented with the perfect opportunity to give it to you. "I'll be right back darling, please excuse me," he briefly stated, rushing out of the room to go into the bedroom.

You wondered what he was up to but still sat there feeling rather bummed out about today, trying not to feel the way you did. You couldn't help it though, it was a feeling you couldn't seem to shake. That was all about to be changed as Loki entered the living room again, after being gone for a brief moment or two. "Love, close your eyes and put your hands out for me please," he asked of you, approaching you with his hands carefully tucked behind his back, though there appeared to be nothing there from what you could tell. "Ah ah ah, no peeking dear," he teased, a soft smirk on his strong godly features. You were bad for that, hence why Loki no longer kept his surprises in his hands until your eyes were closed; keeping the item in his pocket dimension instead.

You did as he asked of you and seconds later, you felt something soft being placed into your hands. It wasn't small but it certainly wasn't large either. "Open your eyes," he stated afterwards. As you did that, you gasped softly out of the sheer surprise of seeing a plushie of your favourite animal in your hands and a wide, overjoyed smile soon grew onto your features. "Oh Loki, I love it so much! Thank you baby," you exclaimed and quickly jumped up to give him the biggest hug you've given him yet, making him chuckle a little out of seeing you so pumped up. He was glad to see you back to yourself again though and held you close for as long as you wanted, pressing a tender kiss to your head. "You're welcome darling, anything for my sunshine."

Maybe the rest of this day could be salvaged after all and it only took a plushie from Loki to help you realize that; which you fully intended on cuddling with as you laid in bed watching your favourite shows and eating your favourite ice cream. This was something that you would forever cherish and would eventually use to comfort yourself whenever you needed it, not once forgetting to cuddle with your favourite god though as well. After all, the plushie was nice but it was certainly no replacement for your dear Loki. No one could ever be as good as your god and that was a fact which even he couldn't deny.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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