asgardian prince charming

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Loki didn't want to attend Tony's party but Thor had insisted that he would have a fun time, stating that the style would perhaps remind him of some of the ones that both princes were used to on Asgard; it was a masquerade style ball to celebrate yet another successful mission. He sat alone near a wall and sighed heavily as he took yet another sip from his glass, feeling rather bored with everything. The god wanted to stir up some mischief, but his brother had made him promise that he would be on his best behaviour for the evening-such a buzzkill. Though he didn't seem to care, Loki had felt a little saddened that no one had asked him to dance and to be fair, the prince also hadn't noticed anyone of interest that he felt would be worthy of his time. That was until a particular someone had caught his eye, causing him to perk up away from the wall. He finished his drink and watched this mysterious beauty make her way around the room, seemingly so shy and sweet. She wore a sparkling black ball gown and a mask to match, which was adorned with silver glitter around the edges.

'I have got to get a better glimpse of her,' Loki told himself, strutting his way up to the fair maiden. As he stood near her, he gently cleared his throat to get her attention and flashed her a charming smile. "Hello," he said to her, feeling tongue-tied for the first time in his life. How could such a beautiful creature render him, the silver tongued God of Mischief, so speechless? There had to be some sort of spell that she had cast on him and Loki knew exactly what it was; he had been struck by the cliche of 'love at first sight.' The woman blushed softly and gave him a small nod. "Uh hello," she replied, a soft tone in her voice. From what she could tell, the man who stood before her seemed to be so handsome and alluring. She wanted to know more about him but didn't know the words to say to him. Sensing that she was the silent type, Loki soon recomposed himself and gently took her hand into his own, keeping that charming smile on his face. "My my, aren't you a beauty," he purred, bringing her hand up to his lips to press a tender kiss to her knuckles. She blushed some more and glanced around as if Loki was talking to someone else.

Realizing that he had been looking at her the entire time, she became confused and wondered how he could think such a thing. "You mean me," she had questioned, that befuddlement evident in her voice. It had disheartened Loki to have heard her think so lowly of herself and he pondered about whether or not someone had hurt her so deeply for her to think that way or if that's just how she was. "Trust me darling, I have seen no one else here who has captivated my heart. You are truly beautiful, even with that mask covering over those soulful eyes of yours. In fact, might I interest you in a dance," he offered, holding his hand out to her. She glanced down at his hand and then up into his eyes, soon nodding her head in response with a small smile on her lips. Loki smiled back and pulled her close to him, beginning to lead the dance as he was taught as a prince of Asgard. He kept the pace slow, the two of them enjoying the gentle sound of the music that was playing and as he gazed deeply into her beautiful eyes, he longed for the moment that the two of them could reveal themselves to one another. Perhaps at last, he had found his princess.

Maybe, just maybe he could finally be happy. Loki really hoped so and he continued to wear a warm smile on his features as he kept dancing with this mysterious beauty; both of them moving in perfect sync and harmony with the music.

Inevitably, the dance soon had to end and the two of them stilled in the middle of the ballroom, still gazing into each other's eyes. "Thank you for the dance," she had said, a slight blush on her cheeks. Loki smiled fondly. "You're very welcome," he purred, keeping his eyes locked on hers. Perhaps now, the two of them could go off to somewhere a little more private and they could get to know each other better, so he had hoped but it seemed this beauty had different plans. She nodded subtly and then turned to leave, with Loki's hand gently holding onto her arm to stop her from going. "Wait, where are you going," he had asked, feeling unsure of what was going on right now. She shook her head a little out of regret and looked back into his eyes. "I'm sorry, I really should get going. It's getting late," she had insisted, a sympathetic tone in her voice. Could this really be happening right now? Loki hoped that it was all just something he had been imagining, not wanting her to go.

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