Chapter 8

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After lunch I have maths so I walk by myself to the classroom, I am still 10 minutes early so I sit outside the room and play on my phone.
"Excuse me Audrey," I hear someone yell from in front of me. I tilt my head up to see Lacey glaring down at me. I smile sarcastically back up at her.
"Who do you think you are?" She says, I am surprised to find her little minion is no where to be seen.
"I'm Audrey, nice to meet you." I put my hand out for her to 'shake', smiling.
"I know that you retard, I'm not an idiot. And If you don't remember you literally just told everyone I gave Dallas a lap dance." She glared at me again.
"I'm sorry Lacey, I don't recall. But I truly believe you probably deserved it. Being such a bitch and all." I smirk at her. Plain disgust flashes across her face before she storms off.

After maths it's time to go home and to my surprise Dallas is already in the car when I arrive. I slide into the passengers seat and he starts the ignition.
"we are going somewhere." Dallas says bluntly, and before i could begin to protest he was off in the completely different direction to home.
"Dallas, please take me home. I don't really want to go anywhere. Especially with you." I plead. Dallas doesn't reply so I decide to ignore him for the rest of the car ride.

We arrive at this little shopping centre with barely any stores.
"Come on, there is a store I would like to show you." Dallas smiles, opening the door for me. I follow him inside,
"Close your eyes" he says before grabbing my hand. I walk along unable to see, when Dallas tells me to open my eyes. To my delight we are in a shop filled to the brim with Australian things, Vegemite, tim tams, smiths chips and so much more! I'm home!
"You can get whatever you want." Dallas says having a look around himself. I grab a few of everything to stock up so I won't have to come back all the time.
"What's this for?" I ask Dallas.
"Let's just say I'm not good at apologies." He smiles before paying for my food and grabbing the bags. We walk back to the car and start to drive home.

"So Dallas, I just want to know one thing." I say as we pass the school again.
Dallas looks at me nervously before nodding to indicate I can ask him a question.
"Why are you so embarrassed that I live with you." I ask. Silence surrounding the car, Dallas begins to open his mouth before closing it again.
"I don't know how to put it nicely." He said, not bothering to look at me.
"Then don't, it's not like I'm going to be anymore hurt than I already am." I say bluntly. He turns his head to face me, a look of guilt flashes across his face. His gaze turns back towards the road, but it was too late. The giant SUV had already collided with the front light sending our car spinning. Dallas gripped the wheel trying to gain control of the car. The car span off the road before getting stuck in the muddy grass. My body was frozen in my seat when Dallas looked at me. He almost seemed amused.
"Shit, you look like you've seen a ghost. It's not like we died." He spat grinning, only just realising truly what he said, when his face turned to the guilty look I'd seen just before we were hit. Tears streamed down my face, I couldn't help it. Dallas got out of the car and began to call his mum, the other car was no where to be seen. I got out of the car before slowly starting to walk towards home. Not Dallas's house. Home. I no longer had tears on my cheeks, but I was almost certain my cheeks were permanently stained with tears.
"Audrey." I heard Dallas call from behind me, I ignored him and continued to walk. Within a minute Dallas was by my side.
"Where are you going?" He asks with a empathetic look across his face.
"Home." I say bluntly, still walking. His face is now filled with confusion.
"Home is in the other direction Audrey." He says almost whispering, I can see he is afraid I'm going to snap at him.
"Not your home, my home."
"Australia?" He asks, I would love to be him just so I could see what was inside his brain. I stopped walking, turning to look at him.
"Are you stupid?" I ask. "No I'm not going to Australia you dumb-ass, I'm going to my house in which I actually live." I say before starting to walk again. His face almost turns completely white, which would be a dramatic change from his slightly tanned skin.
"Audrey, you don't live there anymore. I don't know if you realised but all your stuff is in your room at my house." He shifts his eyes from the floor back up to me.
"You mean to tell me I actually live with you." I ask. He nods slowly.
"Where the hell is all my mums stuff?" I yell.
"We put it in a store room in the garage, we were going to tell you last week when it happened but you were still a bit out of it." He says softly. "And there are already other people living in your house, as it was a rental house there were other people in line." He finishes.
"I want to go home." I say before walking back towards the car. Home. It was only then I truly realised my home had always been with my mother, now that she was gone I didn't truly have a home. Not here, not in Australia, not anywhere.

I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a while and that my chapters are always so short, I'm trying to fix that! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and enjoy the book so far :)

Lyssa xx

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