Chapter 1 - Opening

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I started this year in grade 11 hoping that this would be the year I turn my life around. Now that I have lost all that excess weight off my hips. Not expecting to be flying to California in the mid-year break to start year 11 all over again. I have to admit I've always wanted to live in the U.S. and since the whole "turning my life around" didn't turn out to well I guess this may be my second chance.

I sat in the blaring sun trying desperately to tan. My pale skin didn't fit in well in California, so that's why I needed to tan. I've been in California almost 2 months now and I still haven't made any friends, but hopefully that will change when I get to school. My off putting Australian accent may draw people to me, or it could send them crawling. To be honest, I wasn't the most popular girl back in Australia. From year 6 to year 10 I looked like a train wreck. I had a bob, and I was chubby. I had no friends and spent most of my lunch times practicing my violin. I've always had a love for music, especially classical. The way each note flows to the next soothes the soul. But by grade 9 I'd had enough of just sitting by myself every lunch and thought it was time to make some friends. Going to an all girls school was hard, you either were apart of the "cool" group or the "not cool" group, or you were like me and you were just so "un cool" that nobody accepted you. The girls at my school were real snobs and teased me any chance they got. So by half way through grade 9 I started to work out, I joined outside of school sports and went to the gym every other day. Keeping a well balanced diet. I made one friend in this time and her name was Amy but she didn't go to my school and one day just didn't come to training and I never saw her again. I'd lost so much weight and I started growing my hair. By the end of grade 10 I was down to 55kg and my hair was past my shoulders. I was so proud of how far I had come and I told myself that year 11 would be the year I got some friends and someone would accept me. To no surprise I wasn't congratulated on becoming healthy instead I was mocked, with things like; "you are never gonna look like us, Audrey." "You think loosing weight will make us like you?" soon giving up hope on ever making friends, I began hiring numerous books out from the library and reading them nonstop, my record for how many books I could read in a week was 4. I soon became invested in the characters lives more than my own. Until the day when my mum told me we were moving to California. I finally realised that this is exactly what I needed. A fresh start, a new country and a new identity. This is when I decided to dye my hair blonde. My chocolate brown hair didn't do anything for me and I needed something to make feel like a new person. Within a period of 4 hours my hair turned from dark brown to a beautiful golden blonde. I loved it and I couldn't stop staring at myself in the mirror over the next few days. 2 days until I start the new school year. I still couldn't get over how I had to start year 11 again and making me have another 2 years left in hell. Also known as school. I had all my school supplies packed in my backpack and all that was left was my clothes. Not knowing what to wear I begged my mum to take me shopping, she has never really been the shopping type and declined but offered to drop me off. Once mum dropped me off at the nearest shopping mall I was on my way. I still cannot get used to how different all the shops are compared to Australia, I walk into the first shop on the left. Forever 21. I found the cutest pair of denim shorts and was onto the next shop. Time had flown when it came to 3o'clock when mum had to pick me up. Luckily I had found a couple of outfits I could choose from. The next day flew by so fast and before I knew it, it was the first day of school. I decided to wear the shorts I got, a plain grey t-shirt with a black and white cardigan and my black high top converse. I curled the ends of my hair and put on some light makeup. After having some breakfast it was time to get to school. Mum dropped me off before racing off to work, of course because I'm here early there is barely anyone here. It's the first day of school God dammit. I find a nice spot in the sun and sit on my phone, and before I know it there are people everywhere. Boys. There are boys everywhere. I have never been to a school with boys, this is going to be so different. I put my phone away and start walking towards my first class, I wait outside until the teacher comes and he invites me in just before the bell rings. I grab a seat near the middle and get out my books. Within seconds the seats are beginning to fill up with students. The teacher is very laid back and decides to start the school year with a get to know you game. We move the tables and chairs and sit in a circle, okay you have to state your name, and something you like doing. One by one everyone answers; jack, dawn, Ava, Sam, chloe and Michael are some of the names I caught onto, I don't think I have been surrounding by so many Americans in my life. After Michael was me, I've never been the one to talk in class so this was a first.
"Uhh- I'm Audrey." I stutter.
"Hi Audrey" they say in unison.
"I like listening to music" I pause. I hate being the centre of attention, luckily they move on to the next person taking the spotlight off of me. The rest of the day seems to drag on and I still haven't had the guts to talk to anybody. By the end of all my classes I realise mum said she won't be able to pick my until 4:30. Being the first day most people have gone home already so I decided to have a look at the library. It's deserted not even the librarian is here, hopefully I'm still allowed in. I walk through the aisles until I find the Harry Potter series, I haven't read this in a while why not? I grab the sorcerer's stone and find a seat on the lounge. After a while I find myself once again engaged in the marvellous story of harry, Ron and Hermione. It only felt like 10 minutes had past when I hear my phone ringing from the bottom of my bag, 5o'clock?? Shit. I don't even look to see who it was, I knew it was my mum.
"Sorry mum, I was in the library I didn't realise the time sorry I'm coming!" I answer while running towards the door. I hang up the phone after hearing my mum yell for me to hurry up. Shoving the phone in my bag. I wasn't looking where I was going when I ran into something making me fall to the floor. When I look up I see a very, (I mean like wow) handsome guy standing in front of me. I get up apologising and my eyes meet his. He doesn't look happy.
"Watch where you are going blondie" he replies harshly, his face changes to a horrified expression. When I apologise stating that it won't happen again when I begin to walk away. He grabs my wrist making me turn my head.
"Don't you dare tell ANYONE," he raises his voice. "That you saw me here otherwise i will make you pay." He stops, I nod my head in agreement before gesturing to him to let go of my wrist.
"Understand blondie?" He returns.
"It's Audrey" I reply sternly, trying not to seem scared even though I could literally pee my pants any second.
"Okay blondie?" he asks.
"Okay." I reply before running to my mums car.

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