Ice cream ✨🌸Dream x reader pt1

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We're doing dream first because i'm a simp and you probably are too.

Just a heads up, this is a bit of a slowburn.

Cw: cursing, mentions of drinking, hangovers,

☆*:.。. .。.:*☆

You open your eyes, head stinging from assumably a hangover, considering what'd happened last night. You felt your chest rise and fall as you prepared yourself to get out of bed.

"Fuck-" You winced as you finally sat up, your headache worse than previously thought. You don't remember much from what happened last night, especially since you were blackout drunk, it was a miracle you didn't pass out, but you certainly don't remember changing from your dress, which you apparently had. Wait.. did he-? No, he only dropped me off and i got inside by myself. You thought, though your memory was foggy.

You tried to recall what'd happened last night while you were in the shower. You remember you were at a party, with dream. Dream had given you a ride to and from the party since he's your friend, and he'd invited you.

You could only remember being heavily drunk, and watching a game of spin the bottle. But did you participate? You felt your neck and shoulders for any sensitive spots or noticeable bruises, to which you, thankfully, found none. You were only watching, which was a relief.

You stepped out of the shower, into the humid bathroom. Thick air filled your lungs as you grabbed a towel and dried off, as your hangover started to wear down a little. You got dressed in an oversized white dream hoodie, which you'd gotten from dream, because they'd shipped him a few too many, some white shorts, and a pair of thigh high white socks with a black trim. (A/n This is changeable if you don't like it, just stick with the general dream hoodie, shorts and socks vibe)

You looked yourself in the mirror, putting your hair into a loose bun with curtain bangs, and smiling at yourself. (A/n again, Also changeable)

You threw yourself back onto your bed, checking your phone, to which you were met with five unread messages from none other than dream.

Hey, you awake?

(Y/n), i'm a bit worried, you seemed pretty hammered last night, you good?

Did you die?
I'll let you sleep for now, let me know when you're up. :)

Oh shit- um-

Oh fuck- hi drem! I'm up now. Thanks for being worried, but unlike you i don't wake up at 6am, because I'm actually cool.

No, no. I think i like drem better.
Also wtf. Kinda rude.

Fuck offfffff
Also yea, kinda the point.

Wanna hang out later? One of those ice cream days.

i'm hungover from drinking so much last night (so disappointed you didn't give me a cap for the alcohol. Smh.) but i can make room for you in my schedule.

What's yor schedule, jus wanna no what i'm interrupting
Also what the hell! I tried but you told me "fuck off green boy, we're partying"

Yo, i told you that? Drunk me is cooler than i thought ngl.
Also i just wanted to make you feel important ;)

Rude, and rude. You'd better pay for my ice cream 😩

Fine, guess it's the least i can do for my green boy V^V

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