Coffee shop cliché🌸Technoblade

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Blood for the blood god 👹

Also artist reader because i draw

Also, since i love irony, i'm just gonna say it up front, i don't drink coffee, i've never had coffee, and i never plan on drinking coffee, so please pardon me if i get coffee related things a little whack, or if it seems weird.

Tw/Cw: Cursing

*⢄⢁✧ --------- ✧⡈⡠*

You sighed heavily, your apple pencil making a click as it attached to your ipad. You grabbed the material on your pinky, swiftly taking your drawing glove off and setting it next to your device, placing your device face down and getting up from your chair, stretching. "God fucking damnit." You mumbled, rubbing your eyes lightly before speaking again.

"Commissions are damn draining.." you muttered, walking to the couch in your studio apartment and flopping onto it.

"Guess i'll order some coffee." You said to yourself quietly, clicking on your phone and looking at any delivery options for your favorite coffee joint.

The place you usually went to was just a small business, run by this sweet middle-aged couple who just wanted to share their love of coffee with the world, and the coffee they made there was damn good too.

After scrolling through a few delivery apps, you discovered that, surprise surprise, there were no delivery options for the place.

Defeated, you stood up, and grabbed your keys, determined to get your warm cup of liquid energy™️.

You slipped on your shoes, grabbed your wallet, and your thick, warm orange-brown jacket, with a fluffy trim on the hood, as well as your ipad and drawing glove.

You headed down to your car, passing by many apartments on your way to it.

You swung open the car door, and hopped into the driver seat, pushing your keys into the ignition and turning them, starting the engine. The little sanrio charm you had on your keys caught your eye, and you took the cute little bear charm between your pointer and thumb, turning it around a few times, before letting go and pulling out of the parking lot.

As you pulled into the small parking lot of the coffee shop, you sighed, only now realizing your muscles were so tight. You put the car into park and took the key out of the ignition. You opened the car door and stepped out of it.

Your shoes touched the asphalt your car was parked on, as you took a turn and got onto the sidewalk. You walked for a few steps before reaching the door of the shop, opening it and stepping into the familiar, quiet store. Scents of coffee and fresh cookies danced around the air, a sweet, yet bitter aroma filling the store.

You walked over to the cashier, a teenage girl(?) who seemed like they'd stayed up for at least two days straight.

You ordered (f/c/o), (favorite coffee order (not from starbucks smh.) and soon after it was handed to you, you assumed a spot at an empty table, taking out your drawing supplies and occasionally sipping from your drink.

It'd been a few minutes, and you'd looked up from your screen, looking around as you though about what to do, when a pink haired man caught your eye.

He seemed to be around your age, and he wore glasses, though, hard to see as he was bent over a paper, writing. He had long, silky, pink hair, that was almost too perfectly splayed out on the table as he worked. Half of his hair was put into a loose bun, keeping it out of the way. He'd occasionally glance up from his paper, looking up at the cashier as they were taking orders. He had beautiful crimson, brown-isn eyes that seemed bright red in the natural light, but dark brown in the darkness, and just in between when it was well lit, but not bright.

This man seemed like he came right out of a dream, ready to sweep you off your feet in a coffee shop fanfic. You looked back down to your ipad, opening a new canvas, and sketching a drawing of the man. He's not going anywhere any time soon by the looks of it. You thought, reassuring yourself you could finish it in time.

You'd finished up the drawing, and now all you had to do was work up the courage to show it to him. Come on, (y/n), you got this. Besides, you'll probably never see him again. You told yourself, standing up and walking over to the man, clearing your throat quietly as you did.

You seemed to catch his attention, as he glanced up at you, holding eye contact as a confused look spread across his face. "Hey there, um.. i drew you." You managed to say, with more confidence than you expected. You turned your device to face him, and he scanned the drawing for a moment, before his face lit up.

"Yo, that's really cool!" He said, an excited smile worn on his face. "Hey- do you have an instagram? I'd love to follow you. My name 's technoblade by the way, but please call me techno." He said, smiling up at you.

"Oh, yeah! My @ is (y/i/u/n)!" (Your instagram username) You smiled as well, this whole exchange going much better then you'd planned. "My name is (Y/n) by the way." Your smile faded into a more friendly and soft smile.

"That's awesome, all your art is gorgeous. Hey- can i take a picture with you?" He asked, looking at you. "Oh! Of course!" You smiled.

You took a photo with technoblade, a near permanent mark of when you first met. "Anyways, it's so nice meeting you, i'll let you get back to it." Techno spoke, smiling, and you walked back to your table.

All of the sudden you felt blood rise into your cheeks, having yo rip your gaze from the deep-voiced, pink haired man. You opened instagram and almost instantly followed him back, before posting your drawing of him on your instagram.

*⢄⢁✧ --------- ✧⡈⡠*

Time skip to the next day, because fuck you, i'm tired and it's 1am.

*⢄⢁✧ --------- ✧⡈⡠*

You walked to your couch, sitting down and clicking on your phone, tired after taking a warm shower and getting dressed. You tapped on youtube and tapped on whatever shit video that was first in your recommend.

After watching a couple of other videos, you got a notification from instagram.

Your heart fluttered when you saw it was from technoblade.

Oh, fuck.

Hey (y/n) :)

Hey techno!!
What's up?

I was wondering if you wanted to meet up at good ground's coffee?
(a/n: that's the name of the coffee shop :)

Oh, fuck yeah! That sounds fun!

Alr! What time is good for you?
I'm free at around 1:00pm.
I'm free then as well :)

Alr! Meet you then.

You let out a shaky sigh, your cheeks flushing before scolding yourself for simping for someone you barely even knew. "Fuck.. work is gonna end up so slow because i'm going on 'dates' with a man i hardly even know." You mumbled. I'm sure anyone in my shoes would do the same thing, i mean, it's undeniable he's attractive. You justified in your head, desperately trying to find an excuse for yourself.

You decided to get some work done before you met up with techno, getting on your ipad and sighing at the long list of commissions and commissioners patiently waiting there were. You opened your drawing program and started working. "It's gonna be a fuckin long few hours." You mumbled.

*⢄⢁✧ --------- ✧⡈⡠*

Alright babes! That's where i leave it for now, you are getting a part two, this is just hella long already and it need to be two parts so you can give your poor hands a break.

Word count: 1320

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