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Just to clear some things up for those of you who don't know! (Basically what things mean)

A happy, cute fic, with lots of fluffy comfy moments (typically platonic)

A sad, depressing fic, with lots of sad/heart wrenching moments

Basically written p.rn/p.rn art (typically the first one for wattpad)

(From what i've gathered) basically smut but something bad happens before the.. thing after.

Basically lots of sexual tension without any.. action 😳

(If i got anything wrong please correct me! I've seen lots of different interpretations/opinions, these are mine and i'd love to hear yours!)

I am working on a new chapter, but i've been having really bad writer's block and i haven't really found the inspiration to write. If i do upload a chapter, it'll be before this one, so keep your eyes out! Good day/night/evening/afternoon my lovelies!! I bid you farewell for you.

Word count: 159

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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