2-New memories

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"We're here Is" I heard Avery scream happily. I still don't get why she's always so happy when she reaches the school. Probably because she gets to meet the love of her life, James. The guy who deserved her. He was a jock, well known. The popular prince charming of course. He was pretty sweet to Avery. But I hated him. Despised him. I wanted to be him. He wasn't fond of me either. He was a little skeptical about my orientation. Yes. The entire school knows that I'm gay. Nobody really gave a damn about it to be honest. Except him. Tsk, here he comes again. I wanted to wipe that fake smile off his face. I knew he wasn't sincere. I knew what he was hiding. He was a jerk. He hated my company. I saw past the façade. Tsk I said to myself again. "Hey, beautiful" James said to her and kissed her, in front of me. He smiled at me "Hey dyke" he chuckled and ruffled my hair. I groaned. "James, I've told you not to call her that. I know you don't mean it. But it hurts me when you say such things" I heard Avery say as she patted on his shoulder. I smirked. I ruffled his hair and laughed. He glared at me and sighed "I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry Isabel" he doesn't mean a word he said. Tsk. I nodded. I felt Avery intertwine her fingers with mine as we entered the hallways. This is it Isabel. You're final year. You can do this. I sighed and checked my schedule. Hmm, first is US history. OK that's alright I guess. I looked over my shoulder and saw Avery talking to her prince charming. I sighed and looked down. She's still holding me huh. I smiled. I felt her fingers loosen. I frowned. I saw her hugging James. The familiar pain seeped through my chest. These feelings are always going to be unrequited aren't they? "Hey Is we have got English and PE together" I heard Avery chirp happily. I smiled and nodded. I wasn't much of a talker. But she accepted me, for me. Never once was she tired of my company. "Is look out!" I heard Avery scream. That's when it happened. I fell down and ended up on my butt. What the hell just happened? I tried standing up but I couldn't. I tried again but all my efforts were vain. I noticed something moving on the ground. Wait, it was a girl? I fit the pieces together. I was run over by a girl on a skateboard. I heard and saw Avery scream and run towards me. "Are you OK Is?" I saw worry written all over her face. I smiled and nodded. I looked over to where the girl was and was glad to see that she was okay. She got up on her feet and walked towards me. "You okay? Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" she said In a bored tone. Despite the coldness in her tone, I still felt like a part of her genuinely cared to know the truth. I nodded. She smiled and exhaled out of relief. I smiled. "How could you do this? You weren't looking where you were going? You almost killed my best friend. She can't walk now. All because of you and you barely even apologized!" I heard Avery scream on top of her lungs. What's wrong with her? I wondered. "Calm you tits miss shorty. I did apologize. And mistakes do happen. I'm sorry I hurt your girlfriend you fiesty thing" she retorted back. I saw Avery blush. "S-she's not my girlfriend" I heard her mumble. I titled my head. "Oh really? Alright. Hey, I'm Alison. And I apologize for earlier. How about I make it up to you and take you out for coffee sometime?" Alison smirked. My jaw dropped. What on earth is going on. Why is this escalating so quickly. What. I don't even know this girl. Is she trying to pull my leg? I just sat there still processing everything that was going on. "How could you have the audacity to ask her that after hurting her. She's going no where with you" I heard Avery scoff at her and helped me up. I limped. "Ok, fiesty little things let the girl with gorgeous eyes speak" I blushed at her comment. Avery huffed and took me away. I sighed. "Where are we going Av?" I asked her. "We're going to the nurse Isabel" she said in a monotone. I gulped. She never uses my full name. What was bothering her? We reached the nurse's office in no time. Thankfully she wasn't busy. "Oh my, what have we got here? Are you okay dear?" The nurse asked worridly. I smiled and nodded, reassuring her that I was perfectly fine. She took a look at my ankle and concluded that I has sprained it when I landed on my butt. Sigh. First day of school and this happens. I noticed that Avery was being awfully quiet. That's not a good sign. "What happened Av? You look lost" I asked concerned. She looked at me. What were her eyes trying to tell me? What's going on Avery? Are you okay? As if answering my question she smiled and chuckled "Yeah. I'm alright Is, its just that, that girl was so rude. I mean. First she hits you and barely even apologozes. Next she had the guts to ask you out." She said annoyed. I thought it was kind of cute to be honest. Alison was very pretty. She had jet black hair that was tied up in a loose bun, light hazel eyes and pink beautiful luscious lip- was I seriously fantasizing about her now? I just met her for god sakes. Teenage hormones I tell you. "Its not a good habit to bitch about others when they aren't around, shortie" I heard a voice coming from the doo. There she was. Standing at the entrance of the nurse's office smirking at both of us. I heard Avery scoff. I giggled. "We were not bitching about you Alison, just telling the truth about your rude behavior. And what are you doing here anyways?" Avery said grinding her teeth. She really didn't like Alison. "There there no need to get your tits agitated fiesty one. Just came here to check up on gorgeous eyes here" she said turning to me. What was her deal with tits anyways. She came here because she was concerned about me? I blushed at the thought. "I'm alright Alison. Thank you for coming over. You should go now though, you'll be late for class." I said smiling at her. "Don't need to worry about that gorgeous eyes. The last thing I care about is reaching class on time. But I'm happy to know that you're doing much better now. I heard from the nurse that you sprained your ankle. I'm sincerely sorry." She said frowning at me. I opened my mouth to respond but was interrupted by the tardy bell. "Ah, I've got to go Is, I'll meet you during the break alright?" She said smiling at me. That's right the nurse allowed me to stay over here for the rest of the day. Sigh. First day sure is interesting. I saw Avery leave and I got lonely pretty quickly. It was weird how she controlled my emotions. Huh when did Alison leave? She's one weird girl. "Thinking about me I gather?" I heard a voice come from the entrance yet again. There she was again. Wait was it break time already? How long have been sitting here and thinking about irrelevant things. "Okay so you don't talk much. So you're more of a thinker aren't you? Don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you again. Just here to keep you company. I faked that I had the flu to get out of English class. So you're welcome." She said smirking at me. I stood sat there gaping at her. Wow she really doesn't care about school huh. "Uh, thank you Alison. I think" I smiled. She nodded and sat next to me on the bed. She leaned forward and whispered into my ears "I love the way you call my name, it sounds so sexy coming out of those luscious lips" I shuddered as I felt her warm breath on my earlobe. This was turning me on. What is she doing? Is she teasing me? We just met today. God this girl is quick. I saw her smirking at me. I gulped not knowing what was going to happen in the next second. She inched closer to me and licked her lips. We're just inches apart. Oh god somebody help me. I want this but this is just not me. What is happening to me. What is she doing to me. I felt her warm breath on lips as she crashed her lips on mine. Damn she's a good kisser. I felt her lick my bottom lip asking for entrance. Just as it was getting heated I heard a bunch of books fall down. Shocked I pushed Alison away. I saw Avery.

I saw a hint of pain and anger flash through her eyes.
What have I done.

Hey bruhs. This is my first book so it won't be the perfection that many of you are looking for. But hey I'm gonna try my best Kay? ^^ I just hope you like the storyline. It has a little of everything. So enjoy.
Nutellalovingkawaipotato out (Y)

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