Chapter 8: My Nichirin Sword

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Ubayashiki Kagaya was sitting on his porch as he felt serenity, then came a crow with a letter I hand, a letter with the names of the survivors.

"I see, Amane." Kagaya called for his wife who immediately came.

"Could you please read this letter for me?" He asked.

"Yes Kagaya-sama." She said as she took the letter to read it aloud.

"The names of the survivors for this year's Final Selection:

Tsuyuri Kanao

Shinazugawa Genya

Agatsuma Zenitsu

Hashibara Inosuke

And... Kamado Tajiro"

"I see. So at least 5 had survived." He said with a smile forming on his lips," Excellent, the number of my children has grown, I wonder what kind of slayers they'll be."


Days later at Urokodaki's house

"I see, you've defeated the morphed demon?" He asked his disciple

"Yes" Tanjiro said as he nodded

"At last," Urokodaki said with a sigh of relief as he looked down," They can now rest in peace."

He then looked up to Tanjiro," I am proud and relieved that you made it back my boy." They both proceeded to sip their tea.

"Tanjiro, I must admit something."

"What is it Urokodaki-san?" Tanjiro asked confused.

"I've been afraid of telling you since I knew your sister was a demon but." A long pause took place until the words escaped Urokodaki.

"Do you know how Demons multiply?" Urokodaki asked.

"Well, Giyu-san said it is because Demon Blood enter your veins that you turn to a Demon right?"

"Yes." Urokodaki answered," That is partially true, you see a demon with the blood to turn another into a demon, there is only one in this world."

"One?" The young Kamado asked in shock

"He was the first to ever become a demon, more than a thousand years ago, In other words this demon is your Family's Foe and the one who turned your sister into a demon."

Tanjiro flinched hearing this as he hugged Nezuko who was leaning next to his shoulder.

"He might know how to turn your sister back, however he is the strongest demon out there and quite possibly the most impossible to find. His name is..."

"Kibutsuji Muzan."

"Kibutsuji Muzan?"

"Yes, he is your Family's killer." Urokodaki confirmed," I don't know if you'll ever cross paths with him, and I don't know if you'll even survive encountering him, no other slayer has come across him and those who have are usually dead, I don't know if you'll be able to do this Tanjiro, but I have faith in you."

After a while of talking on advice and how Demons usually operate Tanjiro went to get ready to sleep. His sister right behind going to do the same.

"How's your training going Nezuko?" Tanjiro asked her

She nods and made noises of happiness meaning that it was going well. Then she basically pointed back at him and made some gestures, Tanjiro immedietly caught on to what she meant.

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