01: Secrets

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About 14 years later

Draco Malfoy sat down next to Pansy at the Slytherin table.

"Good morning handsome!" Pansy singed. Draco just glared.

"Really Pansy, you have a girlfriend, even if you refuse to tell me who the poor soul is." Pansy glared earning a laugh from Draco.

"Your late," she said as Blaise sat down on her other side.

"Couldn't find my potions book," Blaise explained, "what's he done." He asked nodding his head at Draco.

"First of all," Pansy began, "it's the weekend. Second of all are you sure you didn't hear him? He shouted that I'm a bad girlfriend for the whole hall to hear."

Draco scoffed, "I was not that loud."

Pansy hit Draco in the back of the head. "Could you two please just eat breakfast like civilized people?" Blaise said with an exaggerated sigh.

With a roll of her eyes Pansy began to pile food on her plate as Draco grabbed a green apple.
Suddenly the surprised voice of Granger carried over the halls babble. "-doing Ronald?"

Draco looked over at Gryffindor to see Weasel stand with a blank look on his face. "I'm afraid of tap dancing spiders," he said in a shaky voice . The hall erupted into laughter as he sat back down as though nothing had happened.

Pansy was sniggering but suddenly stopped when Granger stood up. With the same blank face Weasel previously had she said, "I'm afraid my significant other will breakup with me when they realize I'm not good enough for them." She too sat down as though nothing had happened and the hall erupted in whispers.

Apparently no one had known Granger had a boyfriend. Draco looked over at Pansy knowing she would latch onto the information and not let go until she knew everything. Pansy, however, did not seem excited about the gossip. Her eyes were wide and she stared at Granger in shock and, was that relief?

Draco was about to ask what was wrong when Potter stood. Oh great, Draco thought, he's about to tell us he eats fear for breakfast or something along those dumb lines. What Harry actually said shocked Draco to the core.

To a silent hall Harry's loud, calm voice said, "I'm afraid of what would happen if everyone found out I've been mentally and physically abused by my relatives."

The hall was silent. Draco watched Harry, waiting for him to sit like nothing happened the way Weasel and Granger had. Instead he blinked and seemed to come to his senses before running out of the hall.

As he did Draco felt a sudden overwhelming need to chase after the raven. There's no need Draco thought, trying to reason with himself. Granger and Weasel will go make sure he's alright. They just stared at the doors Harry had left through like everyone else. Some friends they are. Draco thought as he gave into his need and left the hall.

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