02: Trust?

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Did I really just tell everyone the Dursleys abuse me? Harry thought as he rushed out of the hall. Tears started to build in his eyes but Harry wouldn't cry. He couldn't cry. Harry rushed into the first abandoned classroom he came across. As he paced trying to calm himself he became angry.

He was angry at the Dursleys for hurting him in the first place. Angry with everyone he'd told that hadn't done anything. He was furious with what ever had possessed him to say such a thing to the whole bloody school.

"Potter," a voice Harry knew to well said from the door.

"What do you want Malfoy!" Harry snapped losing control of his temper, "Come to laugh have you?"

"No I-"

"I bet you think this is hilarious!" Harry yelled unleashing all his anger, "It must make you giddy that the golden boy is called nothing but freak at home! The thought that the perfect gryffindor can't stand up to a bunch of muggles must make you roll with laughter! Knowing that Saint Potter wears glamorous to hide all his scars must make you want to shout in joy!" Tears once again filled Harry's eyes but this time he couldn't stop them.

Suddenly Harry found himself wrapped up in a warm embrace. A part of his brain knew it was Malfoy and told him to push the other boy away. The rest of him didn't care. He felt safe in Draco's arms, something he hadn't felt in a long time. Plus Draco smelled like spring and apples. Harry liked it. He liked having Draco's strong arms hold him.

Draco on the other hand had no idea what he was doing. As he watched Harry break down he couldn't stop himself from stepping forward. Instinctively he'd wrapped the other boy in his arms and rubbed circles on his back as he sobbed.

It took a while for Harry to calm down but once he did Draco didn't want to move. However Harry pulled back and looked sheepishly into Draco's eyes.

Draco just chuckled. "There's no need to be embarrassed Harry. Fell free to hug me whenever you want." This caused Harry to blush which made Draco quite happy. Honestly he's adorable when he's blushing, Draco thought.

Suddenly Draco frowned as another thought accord to him. "Harry?" He asked hesitantly.

"Y-yes?" Harry stuttered.

"I was just wondering," Draco paused hoping he wouldn't make Harry mad. "What do you look like without the glamour?"

Harry put his head in his hands and groaned. "I can't believe I told you about that."

Draco laughed darkly, "Well you did and now I'm curious. Could you show me?"

Harry hesitated. He'd never removed the glamour in front of someone. And the Dursley's had been especially cruel the past summer so he looked worse than usual. But he trusted Draco for some unexplainable reason. He felt safe with Draco but...

"Please Harry I want to help." Those six words sealed the boys fate. With a nod and deep breath Harry dropped his glamour.

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