07: Halloween

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Time skip to October 31st because I can

Draco was waiting for Transfiguration to start when Harry dropped a note on his desk.

Meet me at the ROR after the Halloween feast.
Draco looked up to see Harry looking vaguely in his direction. He nodded and watched as Harry smiled and looked away.

They had decided to keep their friendship a secret. But they met almost every night to talk in the room of requirement. They had become great friends. Something Harry desperately needed.

Ron was still acting as though nothing had happened while the twins were acting as Harry's overprotective big brothers. They had stopped talking to Ron completely. Hermione was handling the situation to the best of her ability. However she disappeared constantly and no one knew where she went.

The highlight of his day was sitting with Draco and talking about nothing and everything. They had grown incredibly close and had formed a friendship neither of them would trade for anything. It made Harry wonder what would have happened if he'd taken Draco's hand in first year. However what's done is done and all Harry could do was treasure their new found friendship.

The day passed slowly as Draco went through his classes. Honestly it was a Friday and Halloween they should have the day off. The boredom was all worth it though when he walked into the ROR to see Harry laying on a couch near the fire. "Hey Draco," Harry said without looking up.

"Hello Harry," Draco responded lifting Harry's head so he could place it on his lap. "How was your day?" He asked as he ran his fingers through the other boys hair.

"As good as can be expected. Ron's still being a prat. Hermione apologized for not being around. I'm tempted to tell her I've been talking to you so she stops feeling guilty."

Draco smiled, "I don't have a problem with it. Tell the whole castle if you'd like."

Harry sat up and looked at Draco. "I'll keep that in mind." He responded with a smile. His smile fell. "People are still avoiding me, that or being extremely mean. I wonder if I hadn't told everyone Voldemort had come back if they'd believe me about the abuse."

Draco frowned too, "I'm sorry. I wish I could make them believe. How are the Slytherins treating you?" He asked hesitantly.

"I haven't heard one mean thing from any of them," Harry said, his smile returning, "thanks again for that."

Draco blushed slightly, "No problem." Draco had asked his godfather to tell the Slytherins to leave Harry alone. After seeing Harry's wounds himself Snape had done it gladly. He'd threatened any one who made fun of Potter with detention. Not one of the Slytherins had been mean to Harry since. Even Severus had been a lot kinder to the boy. Another thing Harry was grateful for.

"Anything happen to you today?" Harry asked Draco.

Draco shrugged, "Not much. Mum just sent me an early birthday present."

"That reminds me!" Harry said bolting up. He walked over and pulled something out of his bag. "Happy early birthday!" He said handing it to Draco.

"Thanks Harry... what is it?" Draco asked looking down at the vile Harry had handed him.

"A pain potion," Harry answered with a sly smile, "I hear creature inheritances can be very painful."

Draco's eyes darted to Harry, "You know?" He asked surprised, and slightly worried.

Harry nodded, "Contrary to popular opinion I'm not stupid and I do read." Draco raised an eyebrow. Clearly he wanted more of an explanation. "The Malfoys are listed in a book of families with known creature blood. Though it dose say the gene has died out, probably because of new privacy laws." Draco nodded, he knew exactly which book Harry was talking about, "And then you've been acting oddly this past week. All of those odd behaviors line up with the symptoms of someone about to go through a creature inheritance. And I know you're turning sixteen so..." Harry shrugged.

"Your right. I'm a Veela, or I will be after tomorrow, like both my parents." Draco said with a smile.

Harry smiled to, "Do you know who you're mate is?" He asked in interest.

Draco shook his head, "I have my suspicions but there's no way to know before the inheritance."

Harry nodded, "When is it? The inheritance and transformation?"

"Anytime between midnight tonight and 11:59 tomorrow night. My parents should be coming to collect me soon." Draco answered looking at the clock above the fireplace.

Harry smiled, "then I guess I should give you your real present." From a pocket inside his robes Harry pulled a small box wrapped in green and silver. "I uh made it myself with creation magic."

Draco's eyes widened, "You can preform creation magic without being taught?"

Harry nodded, embarrassed, "Yes now hurry up and open it before I lose my nerve."

Chuckling to himself Draco opened the box. "Oh Harry," Draco breathed, "it's amazing!"
Harry had made him a cube that shone a faint green. In side it was a silver fog that twisted and turned in every direction.

"If you focus the fog will change shape, or color." Harry informed his friend smiling at the look of pure joy on Draco's face.

Draco concentrated and the fog took shape. In side the cube was now a 3-D image of the Hogwarts crest in full color. "That's amazing Harry!" Draco exclaimed, "Thank you!" Harry's smile grew as Draco pulled him into a hug.

"Your welcome," Harry said full on grinning. "I guess you should go now though."

Draco looked at the clock again, it was almost ten and his parents had said they'd arrive by then. He sighed and pulled back from the hug. "Yeah. I may be back later tomorrow. But I'll definitely see you Sunday."

Harry nodded and left the ROR with Draco. With one final hug the boys separated. Draco went to join his parents and Harry to his bed. Neither boy was aware of how different things would be the next time they saw each other.

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