06: Pansmione

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After lunch with Hermione

Hermione was walking quickly through the halls trying to get to her safe place. Suddenly a hand grabbed her wrist and she was pulled into an empty classroom.

"Where do you think your going Granger?" Her girlfriend asked as she backed Hermione into a wall.

"The library, I have things to do." Hermione gasped out trying to quiet her pounding heart.

"Not a chance," Her girlfriend said placing her hands on Hermione's waste. "We have things to talk about."

"L-like w-what?" Hermione stuttered fearing she knew where this was going.

"I heard you this morning." Hermione blushed. "How could you think your not good enough for me?"

Hermione stared at her shoes. "I'm not very pretty, or outgoing. I don't like being around lots of people. You on the other hand are gorgeous and you thrive in the spotlight. Besides," Hermione took a deep breath. "I'm a mudblo-"

Pansy angrily kissed her girlfriend to stop her talking. "Don't you dare Hermione. Don't you dare say that word. You are absolutely wonderful. Your the only girl I have eyes for. I love playing with you're hair and I could stare at you all day. You are so smart and witty and your great with people. Even if you don't like being around them all the time. And my favorite thing to do with you is to cuddle up and read. And I do not care about blood purity in the slightest."

Hermione's eyes filled with tears, "I can't live without you Pansy. Pretty much everyone has told me no one could love me and there you
are. Your so perfect and I can't help but love you. The thought of you leaving absolutely terrifies me. I love you Pansy."

Pansy froze. She knew Hermione loved her. She proved that to Pansy every chance she got. However it was the first time Hermione had said those words. And Pansy loved it. "I love you to Hermione." Pansy whispered as she drew her girlfriend into a hug. "And I promise I'm not leaving you."

Hermione smiled through her tears and pulled her girlfriend in for a kiss.

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