J'n Ibqqz Ifsf :)

19 0 0

Gore,Manipulation,Suicide ideation,Self-deception,Emotional Abuse,Toxic Relationships,Self-loathing
Foreshadowing...maybe-,Subtle hints.
Light Gore?,Stockholm Syndrome, Flowers- ok now I'm just saying words

If there's more tell me-
Not proofread,so tell me if theres spelling mistakes-


It has been a few days since he kinda got along with the voices, though the only reason why is because he felt to lonely.
Keyword: Kinda
He knew the voices can be vicious and menacing,He knew that he wasn't in the right mental state and that he could hurt someone..

But the voices he had isn't like Technoblade..
They just came from Techno that's normal...
Right,Yea that's what he believes.
There's nothing wrong.
He's fine, he's nomal.
He won't hurt others.
He never will.
He promised.

I guessed he forgot that promises can be easily broken,But he is already broken so how can you blame him?

He's obviously conflicted.
He doesn't want to blame anyone.
Well except for a few others but hey.
Can't blame a teenager without a childhood.
It's cannon that he lost his two lives at age of 9

Well enough from me now,I could care less about Tommy but it's my job to know everything he does and tell you what I know.
Oh hey he's waking up now,Lets switch to his perspective

Tommy's Pov-


Gosh,Do voices know privacy?
I can't think of anytime they did-
They don't respect each others privacy-...
Fuck I just had a flashback about _that_ time..
Oh I wish that I didn't hear that...It's so..detailed..

[Fucking hell,I can't stop thinking about cracked shit- this is supposed to be angst- fuck,mann uhhsh Dream might be able to help so ushh here Dream doing his job by making Tommy miserable,Since I didn't do shit about Dream since I always blank out when I write and I didn't notice that he only had like one or three lines-]

As Tommy talks to 'himself',Not noticing the footsteps getting louder
He really Should've been more cautious about his surroundings,Well atleast he has voices now to keep him safe..Mentally.

Thomas! The green bastard is going towards you!!1!

Tommy,Whatever happens..We-

Oh i remember dream! doesn't he like manipulate minors??

We aren't supposed to tell Tommy that

Why not?? I'm pretty sure he already knows that-

Theseus I'm pretty sure we are supposed to keep you alive- so uhm..uh- I need Google-

Whatever just,Like don't trust Dream he's homeless. Pity him.

[I'm fucking losing my mind]

shut up author,Stop making excuses and go back to work

Don't reply we all know what you're ganna answer

anyways,don't trust that green homeless teletubby

[Pals,That Reference Didn't even happen yet,Tommy wouldn't get it-]

Stop putting yourself in this fic-

[But it's for plot purposes-]

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