❌I Need You - Negan Smith❌

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Negan!!! This is first attempt at smut lol, so forgive me if you don't like it, but I thought I'd give it a try since Negan is one of my favourites. Sorry if there's any mistakes, I'll check it again later on! <3

You had been with the saviours for some time now, and Negan had taken a liking to you straight away. There was this connection between the two of you that no one really understood. You were bubbly, friendly and kind to others, which was everything he wasn't. But that's what he liked about you, that you were so, very different to him yet you had so many things in common.

Just like Negan you were extremely sarcastic, had a mean temper and you had been through a number of painful things to last a lifetime so even if it wasn't clear to others why you hit it off, it was more than clear to the pair of you. Yeah, you were significantly younger than him, but you're in the apocalypse, does that even matter anymore?

But unlike most of the women here, you were in love with this handsome, controlling, narcissist, and there was nothing you could do about it. You thought he saw you as a sister type, but you couldn't have been more wrong.


Just like every other day since this fresh hell started, you woke up at sunrise. It was sort of like a ritual really. You would wake up at sunrise, get changed and make your bed, Negan would tap the door 3 times to see if you were awake, and then you'd let him in and you'd talk about anything and everyone for 35 minutes until everyone else was up.

tap tap tap

"Come in" you said brightly.

"Mornin' beautiful." He said, while shutting the door behind him.

"Ooh, someone woke up on the right side of the bed this morning. What've you been up to? Killed some innocent bystanders recently?" You said with a small grin pulling at your mouth. While Negan shot you a death stare, you started to fold away some clothes you had left out.

"No, actually. Well not super recently anyways. Oh no wait, I did burn the side of a guys face off last week with an iron, but that doesn't count as killing does it? So no, I haven't." He said while giggling for a minute. Negan always laughed at his own jokes, even when they weren't very funny. Some found it sad, you found it comforting. His laugh was like music to your ears. He wouldn't laugh unless it was something one of you had said.

Negan didn't have friends as such, he had people who were scared of him, people who wanted to be him, and people who needed him so they could survive. So he didn't have a good relationship with anyone except you.

"Oh nice, that's real nice. Good progress." You rolled your eyes so hard, he could've picked them up and rolled them back. "Maybe you should tone it down on the violence. I know violence is your thing and all, but it's a little much, don't you think?" You we're really concerned that he was going to lose himself again, and that's not something you wanted. "It's happening way too much lately."

He was puzzled at what had just left your mouth. He knew you were right, and he was going to listen to you, but he wanted to know why you cared so much.

"Y/N?" He said quietly."

"-And before you say anything or tell me that you're not going to listen, I just don't want you to get hurt, okay?" Something had snapped inside of you. It was like you were in a trance and you were spewing out every thought you had in your head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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