Chapter 6

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the first thing I did at the start of my journey was to revive 'Mikami Satoru' a.k.a my other self back on earth. 

(On earth, Japan)

Skyscrapers stood in a line.

The surrounding was filled with hustle and bustle, shrieks and angry roars.

A patrol car's siren could be heard afar.

A scenery so nostalgic it made me feel a bit dizzy.

"Senpai, senpai?! Please hold it together, senpai—!!"

A youngster who was crying with a 'nice guy' in his arms and a young woman looking at them in grief.

It was Tamura and Sawatari-san.

These guys, they really haven't changed, huh?—Well, I guess that is pretty obvious.

I walked up to Tamura and pat his shoulder.

"Move aside, Tamura."

"-?! Who... are you...? How do you know my name—"

"Now, now. Don't sweat the details."

He turned around to complain but lost his words seeing my beautiful face–that's about it.

'You will make Sawatari-san mad, you know?–is what I thought of saying but decided not to instead.

I pushed Tamura aside and held the jewel I brought out over the nice guy's dead body.

The dead body and jewel seems to have fused properly so all that's left is to send it to my 'Multiple Parallel Existence'.

Ah, I almost forgot.

Human bodies feel pain so I should properly heal it.

Thinking that, I brought out a healing potion and poured it on to the dead body.

Seeing the wounds heal in the blink of an eye, I was satisfied knowing that they work in this world, as well.

If I hadn't healed it properly, I would have had to restore it after taking it in and that's a pain.

With this, the preparations are complete.

I concentrated my consciousness, and used 'Multiple Parallel Existence' on the jewel.

Hmm, It is a success which is a huge relief.

"What exactly did you......"

"Oh, Tamura. From now on, properly respect your senpai and don't think of showing off, alright? Also, I will do something about the PC myself so cancel that request!"


Giving a smile to Tamura's confused and shocked expression, I left the place.

Now then lets go back to the sealed cave.

I teleport just a few days before I met Veldora, in short nearly 3 months into the future and my reincarnated self completely merged with my current self.


you never know when even the simplest of things can be useful that's the exact reason I am currently in my slime form and eating the hipokute herbs and the ores lying in my sight.

honestly speaking just lying around in the same place just gets boring over a certain time period so doing this again kinda feels refreshing.

But I should probably stop or slow down for now because the area near Veldora is completely devoid of any kinds of plants or ores because I devoured them all... like everything!!!

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