Chapter 29

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The Walpurgis council took around thirty six hours to conclude. Well most of that time was taken up by me and Guy fighting with each other and the other demon lords thinking of a name.

After settling on a name the first order of business was how we distributed our domains.

I was granted the entirety of the Great Forest of Jura and unexpectedly the Puppet Nation of Jistrav, I might have offhandedly commented that I had plans regarding Jistrav to Milim and she actually gifted me the entire nation. Just WOW!

Here we are deciding who would rule which nation like its a children's game which would be normally unthinkable to normal people.

One offhanded comment gave me another nation to rule with nearly a 100 Million Residents living in it. I still have a hard time believing it.

Anyways now Milim's territory only consisted of The capital of Forgotten dragon, Beast kingdom Eurazania and Harpy country Fulbrosia bringing her country's population just above 300 million.

Jistrav was also something of a buffer zone bordering the Eastern Empire because of which we would need to devote a lot of detail-oriented work to it.. I'd have to take care of that eventually.

Just because I have the nation of Jistrav under me doesn't mean that the people will be all smiles there. I'd have to ensure that the people have no lingering resentments and properly provide aid to them.

The rest of the demon lords saw no change in territorial land. Except Dino.

Guy had forced Dino to go to my nation and Dino not wanting to anger Guy just gave in eventually.

Now we would have three demon lords living in tempest.

It had been, to say the least, an eventful thirty-six hours.

After the meeting was over I was back in Tempest in a flash.

The moment I entered the city, the local residents and patrolling soldiers immediately took a knee at the side of the road, forming a path for me to follow. I should have expected it.

Diablo would likely have been sending regular messages regarding the Walpurgis to Ultima. Speaking of the Violet primordial demon she was kneeling in front of me alongside Testarossa, Carrera and Adalman. Even Adalman is here somehow!

The rest must be still in Jistrav.

Rigurd also came running towards me and after saying their own congratulations I had Rigurd lead me through town.

Everyone we passed by was all smiles, ready to go into full-on party mode at the drop of a hat, but Benimaru and his team still weren't back from their mission. The full celebration could wait until later.

For now, I could rest in the knowledge that one thorny problem, at least, was solved.

Thus, I decided to sink into my hot-spring bath, enjoy the food Haruna prepared for me, give myself a mental recharge, and then listen to Testarossa's report.

. . .

According to Testarossa's report everything had been going smoothly. When Razen was in our nation's prisons we had put him inside the same cell as the otherworlder Shogo whose mind was on the verge of breaking. 

Razen wanting to rescue his king took over Shogo's body and tried to Escape but and that's where Diablo comes in, as Razen was judged to be too incompetent with his current body by Diablo so he decided to enact a little play in which Razen and the other prisoners would be completely put under his command.

The short version is that Diablo gave Razen false hope of being able to escape so that he would possess the body of the otherworlder Shogo and then he would in an attempt to escape try to fight Diablo. Key words being "try to fight" because Diablo completely and utterly defeated them after their battle Razen seem to have realize that Diablo was a Primordial Demon and submitted to him due to which Diablo's skill {Temptation king Azazel} took complete control over the survivors minds and souls, even if they were killed in an otherworld they would be able to revive as long as Diablo wishes for their revival and with this there was no chance of betrayal.

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