chapter 3: second grade sucks

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I've been living at my Grandparents for about 3 years at this point. I hated my life. My cousin was relentless, my grandfather hates me, and wouldn't let me eat for days at a time, if I had annoyed him. My grandmother was useless. Unless she took me to get ice cream. We did that when she was mad at step grandpa. He won't let me call him just grandpa. Because that sounds like we're actually related.

I'm not seeing my mom any. She's having to work 3 jobs, and only shows up every 4 days. I miss her. Even if she yelled a lot, shes my mom. My hero. everything. I was constantly showing her off at school. Whether it be to my friends, teachers, or just showing off something she gave me. I felt very special when she gave me things.

I had entered the second grade off to a good start. I had some friends from the year before with me, and my aunt was the new principal. It was good, until it wasnt. The first time my teacher, Mrs. Peterson, Slapped me, it was because I had missed 2 words on my spelling test. That was probably one of the strangest, worst feelings a 6 year old child can feel.

After the first time, she began making up reasons to hit, curse, and abuse me. She would pick me up by my hair and throw me, swing me around by my ear, but her favorite thing to do was to grab my forearm as tightly as she could and lift me off the ground and shake my entire body, until I started screaming in pain. They she would throw me to the ground and grab my chin, and get as close as she could and bark at how useless I was.

If that wasn't painful enough, when I went to tell my mother and showed her the bruises, she yelled at me for being over dramatic and lying just to get out of school. I felt genuinely useless. I then realized that my mother would always see me as an attention seeking, selfish, little girl.

That hurt. Knowing that I was alone, at that age, I felt that I couldn't do anything. That was the first time I ever tried to stop the pain. I was 6 years old, and this is the first time I have ever told anybody, what really happened in the back bathroom.

Hello, Beautiful humans! I hope you guys are enjoying my story, and fun fact, I just got tested, and found out that I have level one high functioning Autism! How fun. So know that I'm looking back, I realize that thats why going through this has harmed me more than my siblings. We all got tested, and the others came back negative. The doctor also included that thats probably why my traumas have stuck so closely with me throughout the years. Hope you guys enjoy!

(Also, TW attempted suicide in next ch.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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