Part 1

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Y/n pov
So today our school have a program math and theres professional math came to our school and what we have to do is write a note when he teach on the stage omg im so EXCITED!!

"are you excited for the program?!" ask me to my best friend alexa

"hm what? Yeah yeah about number,x y, and others yay" *she said in uninterested tone*

"oh come on alexa dont be so rude and pls this is the chance that i can learn new formal [formal or format idk, idc] about math since mrs kim look like dont want to teach us or i can say that she is lazy" I tell alexa

"I agree to mrs kim cuz math is sooo bored and how you can so happy and excited even thought that she wear an old Fashion  HAHAHA she really look funny but i still agree with her"

"whatever what you said" I said with an fade up with her but she still my best friend

"yeah but its ok i still support you and always be your best friend cuz i love you sisturr"

" I love you more sisturr" then we hug

Time skip~

the program is start and the math pro is i can tell that he is handsome but i dont mind cuz i have my crush jay

"hey alexa lets sit at the front"

"but i want to sit behind"

"plis alexa" *make cute face*

"ahh i hate you"

"yay i love you too"

as we want to sit at the front, theres a gang of "pick me/diva" immediately sit at the front and i know what their motif they just want to catch the pro math attention lol

Then teacher came to us and arrange where we sit and i got at the behind and i can tell theres alot people then i messege alexa

Y/n: alexa where are you sit

Alexa: at the third line and at the middle

Y/n: wow you so lucky i got at the back


Y/n: but not for me

Then the program start

tbh I cant even see the whiteboard and i cant even see what he write there

???: hello student im the math pro to teach you guys about math and first my name is sim jaeyun but you can call me jake

oh so his name is jake

Time skip

After the program already end, mr.jake give us quizz

then i raise my hand at first i think he not realised me since im just a tiny girl and alexa more hight than me but luckly he realised me and go to me

Jake: so what the answer

Tbh i really nervous cuz he too close and i can smell his perfume and all attention to me and the diva see me with unsatisfied look

Then i tell the answer and its correct and he gave me 10 dollars/ 10,000won

then after the program its lunch time so we go to the lunch i was walking alone untill someone scared me

" BOOO!"

" AHHH" then i see alexa the one who scared me then i hit her

"ouch! Its hurt"

"that's what you get"

"hehe" then as we want to go to cafeteria, i hear some familiar voice call me from behind then i turn around to see mr. Jake is behind me

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