Part 6

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Niki pov

i wake up in a dark room not so dark cuz the lamp us on the where my chair is and i see i got tied up.....where am i

Then i heard someone entered and walk toward me just to see it was........ Mr.sim

It was so unbelievable how can my own teacher kidnap me

"oh you awake" *he said with creepy tone*

"why you kidnap me."

"you ask me why? It's cuz of you" he said make me confuse

"what did i ever do to you?!"

then he lean closer to me with mad expression and said

"you lean you hands on my y/n, you spend time with her, you make her smile, you make her laugh enough to make my blood boil cuz i'm the only one can do those to her!!!"

ok this guy is crazy


"yes ofc i'm crazy over y/ y/n....and i know you try to steal her from me right" he said while point at  me with knife in his hand

"you know what if y/n found out about your identity, she will not forgive you forev-" as i'm not finish my sentence he already stab me and stab me again and again

Jake pov

As i stab him all blood splash on me make me feel so satisfied and i put the died body in plastic bag and put it in the fire

after done, i walk to bathroom and fresh up and wear my clothes and took one of y/n's pic that on the wall yes i have alot pic of her

then i staring at the pic and smirk

i can't wait to make you mine y/n

Then i fall asleep

Y/n pov next morning

I wake up by my alarm and loom at the time it was 6:25 am then i got up and go to bathroom to take shower and my morning routine

then wear this

Then go downstairs to cook some breakfast for me

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Then go downstairs to cook some breakfast for me

after i eat i got my bag and go to school

Alexa pov

I wake up by my alarm to see the time it was 7:02 am then i walk to bathroom do my morning routine

and wear this

I wear make up to hide the red mark on my cheek and walk downstairs to see an noone as always then i go to kitchen to see if i have something to eat then i found some bread and nutella then i put the nutella on the bread and eat it while going out...

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I wear make up to hide the red mark on my cheek and walk downstairs to see an noone as always then i go to kitchen to see if i have something to eat then i found some bread and nutella then i put the nutella on the bread and eat it while going out for school

As i arrived at school i see y/n already at her locker then i greet her


"OP OP OP" She said make me laugh cuz of her shock expression then she hit me

I just laugh at her

then i go to my locker and put all my book inside

Then the bell ring time for the class i have English then i ask y/n what her first class

"y/n what is your first class"


"hmm don't you think its weird cuz every first class you have math?"

"i feel weird to but i don't mind i like math"

kk bye

y/n pov

i enter the class and sit at my desk then mr.sim enter the class and start teaching while took glance at me every minute and smiling creepily.....weird

Then i wonder why Niki not attending class he just come here yesterday then principal give us some announcement

"attention student we heard from Niki's parent that he not home from yesterday that mean he is missing so if Everyone found him anywhere pls tell us. Thank you"

Niki is missing? Weird cuz yesterday he said he go home....something fishy then i see mr.sim smirk make me suspend so much

Time skip lunch time

i enter the cafeteria just to see alexa was there eating then i go to grab a food then sit beside her then she glance at me and glance at my food but then someone interrupted us just to see a 'pick me' gang infront of us

"YAH y/n did you realised that all guys who  closer to you all died why? Oh yeah cuz your life is so sad and no wonder your parents throw you out from their house cuz you put them in trouble"

i just went silent cuz maybe what she said is true

Alexa pov

As i heard that word omg that's  really to much but then i see she push y/n's head alot of time really make me feel mad then i stand up with cold face then throw the cold water to her and her minions just to see her unbelievable face

then she tried to fight me but then i grab her hand and turn her hand to other side make her scream in pain then i let go of her hand and before i got fight back she slap me then i i look up with creepy eyes make her expression turn into scared but not show that she was scared

i grab her head and take out my small knife and put it at her neck and said to her

"if you hurt my best friend again, i not hesitate to kill you understand?"

then she nodded then i yell


Then all nodded their head and continue what they doing

then i walk out to the cafeteria with y/n follow behind me and i go inside the girl restroom and wash my face then i just remember the slap mark

then i turn to y/n just to see her face with shock

To be continue

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