Part 16

648 19 2

Alexa pov

me and sunoo still try to think with who we will go there to save y/n but then my phone rang so u check the call id and the person is........ Jay?!

So i pick it up and say


at first it was silent untill

"alexa? Is that you?" and how shock i was when i hear the voice.....ITS TOTALLY JAY

"yes its me...wait how did you still alive didn't you dead at school?"

"oh that i will explain so that's why i call you cuz i want to explain but don't know where your house is"

Author's note: (jay has alexa's number so that's why)

"oh ok wait i give you my address"

"ok see ya"

then we cut the phone call and sunoo ask me

"who is it?"

"its jay-"

"WHAT?! didn't he already dead cuz someone murder him?"

"i don't know but he tell me that he want to explain so i tell him to come to my house and oh i have to give him my location" so i open my phone and gave jay my address

"but did you remember that the news on tv talk about jay's case right?"

"yeah? So what?"

"but they didn't announced that jay is dead so that mean jay have a chance to alive!...SO WE CAN BOUGHT JAY WITH US TOO"



After a minute someone rang the doorbell so i go to open the door and its reveal jay standing infront of me

so i tell him to get inside and we make our way to the living room and tell him to take a sit and he take a sit and without a sec he talk

"so i came here to explain Everything"


i open my eyes just to see that i'm in black plastic so i move my hand to side and my hand is out and i move my finger and thankfully some police officer realised my hand is moving so he open the plastic bag and said

"are you ok?"

"i-i'm not ok...m-my b-body is hurt"

so without waste any minute the police officer bought me to the hospital and doctor said that thankfully the police bought me to the  hospital or not, i already dead

Flashback end~

"so that's the story is"

" that but did you know who stab you?" sunoo ask

" jaeyun"

"Mr.sim?!" sunoo shock

"I KNEW IT! cuz since mr.sim came to our school i feel something wrong with him and you wanna know how weird he is? He keep following y/n everywhere her go and in school he keep staring at y/n in class or take glance every second and he keep want to eat with us like how's that didn't feel curious with him and after police bought jay's faint body and student all go to their class, i realised there's blood at his coat and he said its because he clean the blood in the restroom but its impossible cuz if the blood that he clean splashed at his coat, it may look light red but it look dark red like the blood is freshly spilled to his coat so i feel something wrong with him"

"oh talk about y/n how she is? Is she good?"

me and sunoo went silent

Jay's pov

"oh talk about y/n how she is? Is she good?"

then the both of them went silent...did i ask something wrong?

And then sunoo said

"Y-y/n is.... missing"


to be continue~

Hi guysss first of all i want to say thank you for all of your support and very very very very sorry for late update like almost 2 month i didn't update and sorry for short chapter but i try my best to update more thank you so much guys. Bye

your author

тнє мαтн ρяσfєѕѕισиαℓ· ||Sim jaeyun•심재윤| ||Yandere   Where stories live. Discover now