Part 17

674 17 7

Jay pov

After hearing they said it feels my heart breaks into million piece cuz......i love her but without me realise i'm crying

"jay why are you crying?" alexa ask me

"n-nothing just some dusk got into my eyes"

"oh ok so me and alexa know where her location is but its somehow dangerous cuz its in the middle of the forest so we tried to find people that can fight for go with us to save y/n but if we bough police with us the kidnapper will bough y/n far.....away from here maybe will bough her to another country?"

"hmmm I HAVE A PLAN! So we 3 go there and police will follow us silently from behind and we get into the house with police and then bough y/n back home" i said

"so we need to tell the police to make siren off" sunoo said

then alexa said "you kinda smart i though you don't and how can i didn't think about it before"

"maybe cuz you keep dreaming about ramyeon and tteobokki" sunoo said i just giggles at two of them

"oh that's good food for eat when its raining plus with friend chickenn...ummmm" (good now i'm hungry)

"so when the plan start?" sunoo ask

"next week"


but...little did they know that someone us watching them secretly and hear those plan? But didn't know when the plan start cuz after he hear the plan he go back home lol

Y/n pov

i was busy cleaning untill i hear knocking on the door so i went to open the door revealing jake with flower in his hand

"hi darling"

"hi why so early?"

"just i want spend time with you"

"aww that's so sweet"

"umm y/n, can i ask you something?"

"what is it?"

"do you still have feelings on jay or somehow waiting for him?" his cold tone make shiver through my arm

"why so sudden you asking?"

"just answer me" still with his cold tone

"what if i say yes?"

"YOU WHAT?! OH SO AFTER THIS YOU KEEP THINKING ABOUT JAY AND NOT ME?! HOW COULD YOU-" he then see a knife on the kitchen counter so he walk to the counter and pointing the knife at y/n's neck

"now tell me who you choose me or jay" scary tone with glare

"jake pls i'm just kidding i didn't like jay anymore pls i'm scared pls put the knife down i'm scared" i breakdown while crying

"darling i'm sorry but just- i didn't want you to left me like how everyone leave me alone i-i just have you darling"

then he bough me in his embrace and his word make me shock

"tomorrow we will getting married"

"what? But that so fast"

"so? What's wrong with that or you see other guy? HUH?!!"

"n-no jake but i'm just shock cuz that's so fast like Everything ready yet"

"its fine darling cuz i already Prepared everything now lets eat i'm hungry"

Next day~

Today is the day that jake waiting for along time  and here i am get ready for our wedding and for being jake's wife

the dress

its just simple cuz we just marry in simple and with just 24 guest and its all his family and half is my cousin

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its just simple cuz we just marry in simple and with just 24 guest and its all his family and half is my cousin

the shoes

And this is what jake wearing

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And this is what jake wearing

And this is what jake wearing

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Time skip

After the wedding jake enter the room while i take off the thing in my hair (idk what it calls) as i busy take this thing out of my hair jake back hugging me and rest his head on my shoulder and said

"finally....... YOU.ARE.MINE.FOREVER"

To be continue

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