Nest in Flames

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It all went too fast. From escaping, to The Butler, to the broken bridge, now here.

Sarah keeps running, past Six's body and towards the old shed. With no other options she barricades the door. Sarah doesn't want to imagine the worst but she has to be realistic.
The old shed has nothing of use, only an entrance to the cliffs.
Sarah rushes down the steps, the loud banging on the shed door prompting her to hurry; she doesn't stay in the shed for long.
Sarah crosses the trash-tightrope, the faint lights leading her to The Nest's cliffs.

As Sarah leaves the small tunnel, sounds of pained cries fill her ears. Sarah follows the sounds, her empathy driving her toward.
The cliffs open to the beautiful sun, its blazing glory shining brightly over her and The Pretender.
The Pretender sits on a metal bench, crying as loneliness succumbs her. Sarah watches from afar, the barren land focusing her eyes on the sad sight.
Sarah keeps inching closer, her empathy being her best and worst attribute. The Pretender cries with a strange sadness, like her tears carry guilt.
Sarah, in an attempt to approach The Pretender, accidentally kicks a small rock; a small accident with massive ramifications.
The Pretender turns around, malice filling her soaked eyes. With an ear deafening screech, another chase ensues.

Sarah tries to climb down the cliffs slowly but The Pretenders' fierce pace only rushes her descent. While The Pretender slugs after Sarah, her tight dress constraining her movements, Sarah uses her leg up to keep fair distance between them. Even with The Pretenders' adept climbing, Sarah manages to stay one step ahead of her.
Their climb is almost interrupted by a third party, the suddenly revived Six.
Sarah almost waves at Six, glad beyond belief that she's alive, but the cliffs say otherwise. The sudden collapse of the ground beneath Six sends fear into Sarah, prompting her to descend even faster.

As Sarah lands on the ground, springing into action. Without a second thought Sarah slams her entire body at the old tree beside her. After a few slams the tree falls with a loud thud. Thankfully an escape is made for Six. Sarah on the other hand, looks at The Pretender who is still in close pursuit. With no other options Sarah continues down the cliffside.
Sarah runs, panic filling her mind. Even with Six above her the cliffs thin out to nothingness. There's no other paths, no more cliffs to climb or shortcuts to find. Sarah is doomed.
Sarah's fears come to a head as the cliff comes to a drop, the sea raging beneath her. Sarah turns around but her path is already blocked by The Pretender. She tries to look for Six. But, she's alone. All alone. Sarah is going to die alone.
Adrenaline fills the poor girl as she stands mere inches away from the drop, doom coming in a hasty sprint. Death winks Sarah's way.
As The Pretender smiles, Six leaps into action. With a mighty push, a boulder rolls from its seat and lands onto The Pretender, finishing the chase once and for all.
Sarah looks at the presumably-dead Pretender, her fears washed away by the breeze. She looks up, seeing the suddenly-reappeared Six. Sarah looks at the unkempt girl, her goofy smile filling Sarah with joy. It's finally time to leave. Sarah's time at The Nest was short, but she's more than happy to leave.
Sarah is ready for her happily ever after.
Sarah takes a step forward but the low growl of a third party sends terror right back into Sarah. Death winked, but not for The Pretender.
Sarah takes a step back but it's far too late. The Pretender wastes no time lunging at Sarah. With a slip, Sarah loses balance, plunging towards the sea. The Pretender, in her blind fury, follows Sarah to their doom.

Sarah's red braid flails wildly, wind rushing past her ears. The Pretender screams, but Sarah can't hear anything. All she hears is the rushing air, the impending sea, the pleas of fear within her. It's a terrible silence.
The Pretender inches ever closer, her fingertips almost touching Sarah. That is, until The Pretender sees the impending sea.
Then she gasps, reality hitting her too soon.

The duo fall into the sea, water filling The Pretenders' lungs immediately.
Sarah's first instinct is to get as light as possible. As such, she quickly slips off her iconic yellow raincoat. A shame, really.
The Pretender screams, wasting whatever oxygen she still has. She flails wildly, trying to swim upwards. Unfortunately, she's too heavy.
Sarah swims while The Pretender sinks.
Sarah breaks the surface, filling her lungs with fresh air. Her surroundings are almost entirely sea, except for a small chunk of land far off. Sarah is alive, even with searing pain and an uncertainty of survival, she is alive. She looks downwards, a part of her hoping The Pretender died, another part of her wishing she's alive.
Sarah's eyes widen as she watches The Pretender thrash in the water, sinking ever deeper. It's obvious that she's trying to swim upwards but she's hindered by her gown. Her dress, hair and cosmetics, all beautiful but bulky.

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