Summer brings love (Minho-Part2)

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You chose dare since you were going to wrap up after this round. Looking down at the bottle, you realized it was Jisung's turn to as the question and immediately regretted choosing dare. One time, when you chose dare when you guys played truth or dare at a party, he made you drink the 10 glasses of the special punch in which who-knows-what was there. You just hoped he didn't make you do anything embarrassing in front of Minho.

"You're going to thank me." He whispered to me before telling us what the dare was. Minho stared at you guys and Jisung told you while controlling his laughter, "I dare you to kiss Minho." He burst out laughing, no longer able to hold it in. Minho's face turned red, You couldn't meet his eyes so you covered your face. Jisung stopped laughing, "Hey, it's just a dare, do it already."

Minho came closer trying to keep up his cool and said, "It's okay, it's just a dare, I don't mind." You usually wouldn't have minded this because you have kissed many guys as a dare. But you didn't want to kiss Minho for the first time just because of a stupid dare. You also didn't want to be the loser who chickened out so you decided to do it anyway. You went a bit closer to him and kissed him gently. When you slowly pulled away, he pulled you back in and kissed you deeper. A few seconds later your alarm went off and he let go of you. You both couldn't meet each other's eyes after that, you quickly said bye and left.

~Jisung's POV:~

I was the one who asked them to kiss, but looking at them do that right in front of me didn't feel so nice. Looking at your bestfriends kissing each other wasn't what you would want to see on a fine night. It was almost like they forgot I was there. I decided to let it go this time and forgive them. I didn't talk or make fun of it because it seemed like both of them really enjoyed it. Suddenly I felt so single. :( My feelings aside, I definitely ship them though.

~End of Jisung's POV~

~Minho's POV:~

What is wrong with you? Why did you pull her in? Gosh, what's she going to think about me?! How will I see her tomorrow? But wait- she didn't pull away till her alarm went off. Maybe she liked it too. Well of course she did. I'm so hot. Anyway, I don't think I'd be able to see her tomorrow. I'll just make up an excuse and not go to the beach tomorrow. She is so pretty though. Why can't I stop thinking about her? Do I like her or something?

~End of Minho's POV~

You went down to work but got many orders wrong so your uncle asked you to rest. You made so many mistakes that day because you were thinking about Minho and how he kissed you the previous night. You couldn't stop replaying that scene in your mind and each time you did, you forgot how to breathe. No way! "You aren't in love with him already, are you?" You asked yourself as you looked at your red face in the mirror. You heard your phone go off and took a look at the message.

Jisung🐿️: Hey! When does your shift end today? Let's all hangout again 😚
Y/n: I have some work to do after my shift ends ;-; I don't think I'll be able to meet you
Jisung🐿️: Tell me if you need any help, I'll send Minho over 👀
Y/n: 💀
Jisung🐿️: ahahahahaaha, I know you want to see him
Y/n: Shut up you small squirrel
Jisung🐿️: Yes ma'am🤐

You don't know why but you wanted to avoid Minho or any thought of him. You kept yourself distracted. You watched dramas, you cleaned up your room (which you never do) and you even did some exercise and all exhausted, you went down to eat something and that's when you saw the time. It was 11:48pm. You were too distracted and tired that you realized you didn't even have dinner. That's so unlike you. You would never put your food on hold! 

You fixed up some instant noodles and grabbed a couple of beer bottles and sat down on one of the benches out at the beach to enjoy the sea breeze. You shouldn't have gone out. Little did you know that Minho would come to the beach at that time. You saw him and turned away. 'Huh. All my efforts to avoid him have gone down the drain' You thought to yourself. He walked towards you and asked you shyly with one hand on the back of his neck, "Mind if I join you?" How could you possibly say no to that cute guy. You nodded and he joined you. You offered him a bottle of beer and both of you drank for a while. There was a long awkward silence. You couldn't stand the silence so you asked, "How was today?"

'Why did I ask him such a silly question?!' You thought, you bashed yourself up in your thoughts. You weren't being yourself. "Today was really bad." You heard him say. "You see, I have never felt this way before, the moment I saw you, I fell for how cute and pretty you were. I have been to parties too and have played truth or dare and I never felt anything while doing those dare kisses. But yesterday was different. I felt like everything in this world became beautiful. I don't know if this is love but I can definitely say I like you. When you kissed me I liked it so much that I kissed you back. Ah, what am I saying? So, my point is I like you. Do you feel the same way as me?"

You heart wasn't yours anymore it started beating hard even though you wanted it to slow down. It was as if he had control over your heart. You felt the same way as him so you said. "Yesterday, the first time I met you, I thought you were hot but when we were playing the game I got to know how cute and funny you are. Perhaps that is when I started liking you." Your face was very red and you felt hot. He smiled with relief and hugged you tight. "Hey, I c-can't breat-he.." You said because he hugged you so tight that you weren't able to breathe. "Oh, sorry haha." He said and loosened the embrace but didn't let go.

"So, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I was very happy and excited to hear those words so I said immediately, "Of course, dumbo. Do we really have to say such things through words?" He let go of you and cupped your cheeks and slowly bent in for a kiss, you were impatient so before he did, you kissed him.

Thanks for reading this long story. Did you like it? Sorry about the tile, it's a dialogue from my favorite Japanese drama so put up with it. Will see you guys in the next chapter!!

Love you guys for reading this! <3

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