Your behavior is so ugh!! (Hyunjin-Part1)

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It was summer break and it was probably the only time you got to enjoy before you started your senior year because you're gonna get hella busy when school started. You decided to get your lazy ass out so you texted your friends in the group chat.

Life's A Bitch

hey!!! y'all wanna hangout today?

yassss let's do it

oooooooo okie

yeah sure!

what about jieun??

ohhh y'all wanna hangout?
I can't come today, I have to babysit my cousin ;-;

that cute kid, ah...send me pics when you get there

Oi! they ain't cute if you gotta babysit 'em

so us four hangout whose place??

yes, go ahead...I'll just be here, being tortured by a 3 yr old kid TT

ahahhahaha haffun

don't forget to send pics


I asked where we can meet -_-

my parents won't come home for 3 days woohooo

so, seungmin's place it is!



I'll pick you up y/n

will wait for you...when will you be here??

in about 30mins

waiting for uuuu...

Seen by notjieun and 3 others

(A/n: I am not good at typing out texts so I couldn't do it properly, kindly excuse me. Thank you and love you all!)

You were excited to meet them all even if poor Jieun wasn't available. You got ready and watched cute cat videos while waiting downstairs for Hyunjin to come. The doorbell rang so you grabbed your purse and opened the door. "Hey!" You said, looking at Hyunjin. He was right behind the door so you were too close to him when you came out. He turned around and walked to the car and said, "G-get in." You both listened to your favorite songs on the way. You guys had a lot in common, maybe it was because you grew up together. Yes, Hyunjin was your childhood best friend.

~Hyunjin's POV:~

I went there before time and waited till it was time because I was nervous to ring the bell. Ugh! I had enough of this so I just decided to just ring the bell. She came and opened the door. As beautiful as she always was, but...she was too close. My heart started beating like crazy and my face became red. I turned away and started walking so that she wouldn't notice my heart beating like drums or my face that was then as red a a tomato. (A/n: I hate tomatoes ew! I only used it as a reference because it's midnight here and my brain isn't fast enough to think of anything else that is red.) When we got in the car, I calmed down and we rode to Seungmin's house.

~End of Hyunjin's POV~

You had a crush on Seungmin but didn't want to tell him because you knew that this was just because you were too close and talked a lot. You knew that spending time together made you feel attached to him, that's all. You didn't want such light feelings to ruin your friendship so you didn't confess it to him but you really can't keep things inside you. You told Hyunjin since you trust him more than yourself. He didn't look happy, he actually seemed mad at you after you told him that but he couldn't stay mad at you for long. He had never been able to be mad at you for long. The longest was three days and that was because you tripped him for fun but he ended up breaking his arm.

You reached Seungmin's house and you saw Changbin getting out of his car. Hyunjin ran towards him and you slowly went behind them. Seungmin let you all in when he heard the doorbell ring and you guys started talking about random things and making plans for the summer break. You couldn't stop looking at Seungmin but he was too dumb to notice that you were staring at him. Well, Seungmin was cute and funny. His responsible and determined side made you think he was sexy.

You snapped out of your thoughts when you felt like someone was looking at you. You turned to see Hyunjin staring at you but he immediately shifted his eyes to Changbin's phone where he was showing you photos of his neighbor Han's new puppy Bbama. It was so cute that you forgot about Hyunjin staring at you and how cute and sexy Seungmin was. Changbin swiped to show more photos and there was a photo of Han with Bbama. You had to admit that Han was hot.

"He looks hot." You said out loud without realizing it. Seungmin and Changbin started laughing. Changbin started saying teasingly, "He is single. He is currently looking for a girlfriend, you wanna go on a date with him?" Seungmin laughed and said sarcastically, "Hey, I think they're perfect for each other." Those words he said, you didn't exactly like it but you didn't feel bad either. You thought this was your chance to forget those feelings for Seungmin and to make them stop teasing you about how you were never in a relationship. "Okay! I'll do it. Well, if your neighbor is ok with it. He is hot and also has a cute pet so I don't think it's a bad idea."

~Hyunjin's POV:~

She just told me last month that she thought she liked Seungmin and she already wants to go on a date with another guy? Do I not look like a guy to her? I mean, I have liked her since we were kids but she never looks at me as a guy. Geez, it hurts to always be friend-zoned. What did she say? "Hot"? Hot, my foot! He looked like a friggin squirrel. Ah, when will I have the courage to tell her how I feel?

~End of Hyunjin's POV~

∞Time skip∞

Han agreed to go on a date with you because he thought you were cute. Since you didn't know how to drive, you asked Hyunjin to drop you off but he got mad and hung up. You had to walk all the way to the café because Changbin and Seungmin were out with Jieun.

"Hey! Y/n?" You heard Han say as he sat down in front of you. "Hey, Han." You said coolly. He looked at you and smiled. "You look cuter than the photo that Changbin showed me." He said. You felt comfortable. Too comfortable. You felt like you were best friends the more you talked with him. You guys talked a lot and he showed you cute videos of Bbama. After a while when it was time for him to go home he offered to drop you off.

He drove you home and before you went in you said, "Hey, I had a lot of fun, we should hang out more. Just not as a date but as friends. You give me bestie vibes more than boyfriend vibes. I hope you get it." Han looked at you for a moment without any expression and let out a sigh of relief. "I feel the same way as you, you are fun to hang out with. But I just don't like you as a girl. I didn't know how to break it to you. Thanks for letting me know." He said and laughed.

"Let's exchange numbers." You said and you guys exchanged numbers and said bye to each other and he turned towards his car. That is when you had a really stupid but funny idea. You called out his name, "Han, one second." He came to you and stood in front of you, waiting for you to continue.

To be continued.

This is a long story I had in mind, I'm trying to write it as short as possible. Will take a chapter or two more. Thanks for reading!

Love you guys for reading this! <3

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