Lip Balm? (Seungmin)

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"Stop daydreaming and solve this problem quickly and get ready for the quiz. I'll take you out on a drive at night if you get more than 80 points on this quiz." Seungmin said removing the other books off the table. You didn't want to take up the quiz but the drive that he just mentioned, it  motivated you. You always wanted to go on a drive on Seungmin's motorcycle. "The drive, we'll go on your motorcycle, right?" You asked while the corners of your lips reached your ears. He chuckled and nodded. You took up the quiz and after an hour, you turned to see Seungmin staring at you. As soon as you turned, he clears his  throat and grades the quiz.

After about 20 minutes, he flipped the paper. You knew he finished grading it, but you weren't a person who cared about grades, you cared more about the drive especially because it was with your tutor, Seungmin, on whom you have had a crush for almost 3 months. Seungmin frowned and said, "Will you be able to convince your parents to let you out at night?" You jumped of the chair and hugged him, "Hey, they don't have to know, anyway they don't really care about me." 

"Y/n, can you let go of me now?" Seungmin said and avoided eye contact. His face was beet red. You looked at his red face and asked, "Are you sick? We can go on a drive later if you are. You're face is so red. Let me check your temperature." He looked out of the window and said, "I'm fine, I just feel hot. Can you get me a glass of water or something cool to drink?" You went downstairs to get something cool for him.

~Seungmin's POV:~

Wow, that was unexpected. She hugged me. Did she hear or feel my heart beating like drums? Did she catch on? Does she know that I like her? Ugh! This is so frustrating. I just can't know what she's thinking. If only I could know how she feels about me. Should I confess to her? No, no, no, no! If I do that, it would be really awkward when I tutor her for the rest of the year. It's not like I can refund her back because I used it all for the deposit for renting a house. So, now what? I just have to try to control my feelings. "Is cola okay, Seungmin?!" Y/n shouted from downstairs. I wasn't even surprised anymore, I knew how loud her voice was. "Anything is fine!" I shouted back. 'Control your feelings, idiot.' I thought to myself.

~End of Seungmin's POV~

He himself packed up and came down. "Y/n, it's time for me to leave anyway so I just came down. I'll have the cola and leave." You handed him the cola and sat down on the couch. He came closer and said, "Give me your hand." Your heart was beating fast. He then took out a lip balm from his bag and placed it on your soft palm. You looked at him in surprise and asked, "Why are you giving this to me?" He smiled and said, "I know you use this lip balm so that you don't bite your lips and I noticed that last time you kept biting your lips a lot. I figured you ran out of lip balm, I wanted to buy one for you." He looked at his watch and got up. "It's time for me to leave, I'll meet you in front of your house at 12 midnight." You would have sworn he winked at you but you thought it was just your mind playing games.

∞Time Skip∞

Before you came out, you made sure to check if your parents are asleep. Seungmin was ready with his motorbike. He looked so hot, you forgot how to breathe. He wore black leather pants that showed how defined his thigh muscles were (A/N: like the ones he wore in Scars. goddd!! I love that song) and a white shirt that fit him well and a black leather jacket on top of it. You squished your eyes to see if you were just getting sleepy or if Seungmin actually wore eyeliner. You couldn't believe your eyes, but you loved what you were seeing. He didn't say anything but just handed you the spare helmet. You grabbed it and hopped on and signaled him that you were ready to go.

"So, um... where are we going?" Seungmin asked. You thought for a few seconds and then replied, "Huh,  didn't really think about that. You can take me wherever you want to." You took out your AirPods and put one in your ear and the other in Seungmin's. You guys just enjoyed the music and the wind. Suddenly Seungmin sped up making you hug him tighter, no gap between the both of you. He stopped in front of an apartment. You got down and took off the helmet. Seungmin locked both the helmets to the bike and held your hand. You were caught by surprise, but you enjoyed it. 

"I assume this is your house?" You said with a questioning tone as you saw Seungmin unlocking the door to an apartment. He walked inside and said, "Yes, it is. You can leave your shoes there and make yourself home. I'll fix us something to eat." You were very nervous. You didn't expect him to bring you to his house. Did he want you to stay there all night? Did he have plans? So many questions in your head. At least you didn't have to worry about your parents finding out cuz they had the least interest in you. All they cared about was their work. They probably wouldn't notice if you stay over Seungmin's. This made you wanna stay out. 

~Seungmin's POV:~

Omg! What was I thinking? Why did I bring her over? I must be mad. Ugh! I couldn't just let her sit idle like that. Wow! I didn't look at her properly till now. She was particularly beautiful in that outfit. 

(What you were wearing...sorry this was the closest to what I had in mind.)

I knew I couldn't control myself for long

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I knew I couldn't control myself for long. 'Maybe I should just confess to her. Yes. I'll do it today! Gosh, this is making me 100 times more nervous! Ahhh! I don't know. I'll do it today. Let's tell her! Come on Seungmin, you can tell her!' Is what I thought to myself and took the snacks and drinks to her. 

~End of Seungmin's POV~

Neither of you could meet each other's eyes. You were too nervous and kept biting your lips more than usual, that's when you remembered you had the lip balm that Seungmin gave you. You put it on hoping he would notice that you are using it well. When you were putting it on, you felt someone's gaze on you, who else was in the room except Seungmin? You wondered why he would stare at you and when you turned around to ask him, "Why—?" You felt Seungmin's soft lips on yours, heat creeping up your cheeks. Deep into the kiss, he kind of pushed you such that you were lying on the couch and he was on top of you. You thought you were dreaming until Seungmin's phone rang. It was Jeongin.

Jeongin: Hyunggg!!! Youngbok hyung told me you were finally taking your crush on a ride! 
Seungmin: If you know, then why did you call me?!
Jeongin:'re with her like right now?
Seungmin: Yes! So hang up!
Jeongin: Figting hyung! Best of luck—

" anything important?" You asked, your face beet red and eyes stuck to the floor. He cupped your cheeks and made you face him. He was redder than you. He could barely look at you but he tried his best and said, "See, I have liked you for quite a while now, I want you to be mine. I'm sorry if this is sudden but I just needed to tell you that I love you." He turned away immediately, one hand on the back of his neck and the other on his head. 

You had so many surprises today that you started wondering if this whole day was just a piece of imagination or your dream, so you pinched your arm and felt pain. You were so happy and you squealed. He turned to look at you as sound. You said, "I have liked you for quite a while too, I thought you might have noticed. Anyway, yes, I'll happily be yours." 

He hugged you tight. You were almost breathless and it kinda hurt but you liked it cuz it was Seungmin, the guy you liked! 

I leave the rest of it to your imagination guys cuz the chapter turned out to be extremely long. I'm sorry I couldn't come up with a better title. Will see you guys in the next chapter!

Thank you for reading! <3

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