First Snow (Felix-Part 1)

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"Hey, we have to pick up Yujin too, she will get really mad if we don't pick her up on time." Changbin was saying, "Get in quickly, you know how much she hates it when people are late." 

You got in quickly and Chan started the car again. Chan was in the driver's seat and Changbin in the passenger's seat, Minho, Jisung and Seungmin in the middle row, Felix in the last row, that's where you sat, next to him. Where's Jeongin? He's already there. You were all going to Jeongin's place for winter break, he has a big house in the countryside where you can enjoy a lot. Oh and, well, you can't miss out the fact that the food that Jeongin's parents make for you all when you go over is sooooooo good! 

You guys just listened to songs and talked while you were on the way. You talked with Felix about random things and reached Yujin's place, she shoved her way in and the car was tightly packed now. Yujin pushed you closer to Felix such that there was no gap between you guys, the back row was less spacious compared to the middle row.

'Oh god, what if he hears it! My heartbeat's so fast. Shut up! Just talk to him casually or just talk to Yujin.' Your thoughts were all over your head. You don't know since when you started liking him but you realized that just a couple of days ago and you had too many thoughts whenever you were very close to him. Not that you felt uncomfortable or anything, he was your sunshine, you were the most comfortable with him but you know how you are around the person you like.

He also didn't talk to you much after Yujin nearly stuck you to him. And when you guys reached Jeongin's place, all of you got out of the car and carried your luggage inside to meet a happy Jeongin and his younger sister, Jeongah. They both welcomed you and showed you to your rooms, since only you and Yujin were the girls, you had to share Jeongah's room with her and three boys shared Jeongin's room with him and the rest of them used the guestroom. 

It was dinnertime and Jeongin's parents called you all downstairs for dinner. When you went down, Seungmin pulled you down to sit next to him and Felix. Seungmin said, "I have to talk to you guys about something." Both you and Felix nodded and looked at him completely focused on him because Seungmin had that *THIS IS IMPORTANT* face on. Making sure that you guys were listening, he continued, "So, um...don't tell the others yet...I like Jeongah and I am planning on telling her before winter break is over and we leave. I kinda need your help, the both of you." You guys nodded and he got that you guys agreed to help and continued again, "So, I need you guys to see if there are signs that she likes me too and I want you guys to help me confess to her the week before we leave." 

You looked at Felix and he looked back at you, the both of you smiled and said at the same time, "We'll help you."  Saying something at the same time, your heart fluttered and you felt your ears heating up. You were glad that Seungmin found you comfortable enough to tell you all that and ask for your help, what you liked more was that you were in on this with Felix, meaning you got to spend more time with him. Yaaaaaaaaay!

Days passed and you and Felix spent more time with each other, helping Seungmin. You guys noticed that Jeongah has positive feelings towards Seungmin. You also felt at few instances that Felix might like you too. Like when he gently rubs his palms on yours when you seem cold or when he looks at you a lot and when he notices what you like and gets more of it for you.

One day, all of you decided to go outdoors to the hillside and have a picnic kinda thing. You guys were all playing a game where you pair up and hide, the team that loses the rock, paper, scissors game has to seek. Teams were- 

Jeongin | Hyunjin
Seungmin | Y/n
Changbin | Chan | Yujin
Han | Minho
Felix | Jeongah

You were kinda surprised Felix wanted to swap teams with Seungmin but you didn't want to get your hopes up so you told yourself that it was because he wanted to help Seungmin with Jeongah. 

Jeongin | Hyunjin
Seungmin | Jeongah
Changbin | Chan | Yujin
Jisung | Minho
Felix | Y/n

Jeongah lost in rock, paper, scissors so Seungmin and Jeongah were the seeking team, the rest of you had to hide and wait for them to find you, the first team to get caught has to do the dishes today because it's too much work and Jeongin's parents were going to be away that night.

(A/N: This is too cringe for me too but at this point I don't care cuz I saw this movie that is cringier and worse than my stories that I feel like my stories deserve awards. I'm full on cringe mood so...)

You and Felix headed off and hid behind some bushes, there wasn't much space so it was cramped. Felix suggested that you guys should probably move to some other spot but right when you were about to move, you guys heard Minho. "Do you like Yujin?" You couldn't look at them, you could only hear them speak.

Minho: Do you like Yujin?
Jisung: What no!
Minho: I just... I saw you guys being so close, I thought something was up...
Jisung: You noticed?
Minho: Of course I did! I- I mean...Okay! Yes, I did notice.
Jisung: I thought you had no interest in me.

You were confused. When they had stopped talking, you started paying more attention to what kind of a situation you were in. Felix was so close to you, you could say there was no space for even air. (A/N: Idk if that's possible, but you get what I mean, right?) Not only did your heart beat like crazy, you could also feel Felix's heartbeat that was definitely not normal. It was almost as fast as yours, your face reddened and so did Felix's but you were so close that you couldn't see each other's face. Was that a good thing? Yes, thank god he couldn't see your blood red face.

Minho: Why would you think so?
Jisung: Because you never talk to me unless it is necessary and you know, we don't interect much, you interact more with Felix, Changbin and Jeongin.
Minho: I do that so that you don't catch on. God! How do I tell you?
Jisung: Tell me what? Catch on on what?
Minho: You are so clueless, I swear to god!
Jisung: I could say the same you know?
Minho: Huh? What does that mean?
Jisung: This.

Silence. You guys don't know what happened but um...when it comes to anyone that isn't you, you aren't such a dimwit. You chuckled. Felix asked, "What are you happy about?" You told him what you knew, "I think they're kissing." The moment you said that, you felt hotter and you could almost hear Felix's heartbeat getting faster. He slowly wrapped his hands around your waist and said in a deep and husky voice, "I wish that was us." You wanted to stay in his embrace forever but you couldn't believe that Felix liked you.

I am sorry for being obsessed with Minsung! Anyway, see you in the next chapter, thank you for reading this!

Love you guys for reading!

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