Five Years Since

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It's been five years. Five years since I left everything behind. Five years since I moved to the big city. Five years since I've been in any type of romantic relationship. It's been five years since a lot of things.

Everything changed when my mom passed. She was the last thing holding me to that place. She kept me connected to my home town.

I made a vow not to get stuck in that house with all those bad memories. I despise that place. That town and the people in it. The way people would look at me because of our family lineage. I needed a fresh start.

I decided to come here, to the city, and start my business. Leaving everything behind. I sold the family home, changed my phone number and deleted my social media. I just left. I was ready for a new beginning. I even shortened my last name.


I've been here for five years. I moved here in the hopes of becoming someone new. Who, I'm not sure. That small town I was raised in, always felt so confining. Bland. Stuck in the past. Old heritage, old houses, old people... That town is stagnant. Boring, to the townies at least. We had many tourists come to visit for historical reasons because the town is stuck in the 1800's.

Here in the big city, there's constant change. There are new things every day. New opportunities. For instance, I have an interview today for a position at this company that's on the rise. I'm so excited. This could be it for me. This could be my chance to... to... well I'm not sure what, but I'm excited.

My friends are upset with me because I cancelled a blind lunch date with some guy they think is perfect for me. I haven't dated since I left that small place. I swore to myself that this move would be about me and my growth as a person. And the last time I dated, I was ghosted. I thought he was the sweetest, most handsome guy I had ever dated. He was well mannered and came from a long line of history, just like me. Both of our lives were stained with the past of our families lineage.


Today at the office, I'm restless. My mothers fifth anniversary of passing away was a few weeks ago. I have been thinking about her a lot lately. My upbringing. The family I miss. I need to make it a point to go visit the family plots soon. I came here to become someone I couldn't be in that tiny town. There's no room for growth there. With hard work and dedication, I'm doing pretty well for myself. I know she would be proud of me.

My business is rising quicker than I imagined. We have to hire six more people, just to keep up. I hate the hiring process so I hired someone for that specifically. There are six interviews today and four tomorrow. I think I'll head out for some lunch.


I'm finally ready and head to my interview. My nerves have set in and my mind won't stop racing. I keep going over questions and answers that may or may not be a part of this interview. The possibilities are endless. I don't want to mess this up. I'm not an insecure person but my anxiety seems to be getting the best of me.

I get to the building a little over an hour early. I've been so nervous that I haven't eaten yet today. Only caffeine in high amounts circulates through me. I should get some lunch.


I settle for this small sandwich shop two or maybe three buildings up from my building. They have amazing paninis. The bread is always nice and crispy and the cheese melted and gooey. My favorite is the turkey caprese. They also offer fresh juice. Today's is mango!


I walk up the road from where my interview will be, to this quaint sandwich shop. The food smells amazing as I walk through the door. The menu is small and guarantees fresh ingredients from local farmers. They even boil peanuts! I go for the turkey caprese panini and fresh juice of the day.

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