Midnight Dance: Among the Clouds, our Love Bloomed

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Every night at midnight, the purple clouds came out to dance with the blushing sky. I stare at the wonder that it is. Never wavering on their promise to a appear, the sky's consistency creates a calm in the middle of my storm. Allowing me to clear my mind and let go of the stresses of the day. The midnight hour is something I wait upon. Each night offers a different combination of the color purple in the clouds and tone of the blushing sky. Neither dance being more beautiful than the nights prior.

"Out here again?" My closest friend sits down next to me. The comfort of his eyes have always welcomed me to resolve any hinderance that may have been brought upon by the world, or dare I say, society.

Our childhood meeting spot is in the middle of the forest, between our homes. Since opposite sexes must always be in company, this is the only time him and I have privacy to see one another. Since we became of age, we have been instructed not to meet alone. Our friendship has always been innocent. Pure intentions and non-judgmental love. Its immediate acceptance I always long for.

"You know it is my routine." I look over to him and offer him a slight smirk, "The only reliable thing in my life besides you, my dear Jindet."

"This is true..." I nudge him due to his agreeance. "What? You said it." He knows me beyond my own knowledge.

"What am I to do?" I fall back onto the field, hair intertwining with the blades of grass. Laying, looking past the swirling colors to the stars.

I have caused an upheaval in my life. Having been in a tumultuous relationship, I am now free of the discerning eyes of my ex. Egotistical, demanding, critical, controlling and forceful, I had been brought to the belief that I am not whole without him. My feet not steady enough to carry me through trials without the consent of his permission. Always catechism my own decisions and taught to self-criticize my every thought. How is a woman to make proper judgement with the lack of input from that of a man?

My leaving him at the alter has caused quite a scandal in our town. Especially that of a young girl preparing to marry higher than her station. The audacity I had to disrespect him. To abandon him and his rule. Been groomed to be grateful for his advances. The shame I have brought to my family name for not being submissive. To not obey thy own father's command and decision is that of a wicked woman. For an unmarried, childless woman is not one of good upbringing. Pariah is what they refer me. Cursed is what they claim. Witch is what they fear.

Now I lay, staring at the true wonder of the world, not the man who try to make himself, my own. This wonder is natural. This wonder is most uplifting. This wonder is a beauty without convincing and manipulation is not needed. Never having been neglected by the butterflies within the midnight hour brings upon me.

"Live!" My dear Jindet rubs my hand then interlocks his fingers with mine. Another specie of butterfly enters within.

"Live... what does that entail? I am no longer sure of its definition." I give his hand a slight squeeze.

"First," Jindet stands, forcing my arm above me, "you must dance amongst the midnight sky!" He pulls me to a dancing stance and then guides me about the field. "You must allow the purple clouds to guide your movements and the blushing sky to sing to you."

Joy and laughter are carried with the wind. The trees join us in our performance. A few fireflies dance about the grassy area. Bird songs offer a harmony to step to.

I release his hand from mine. He sighs, "Oh, how I appreciate the midnight air." Jindet steadies his breathing. He stretches his body. Tall and strong, if only I could find romance within him, I am sure my parents would approve. He would never allow himself to anger, corrupt my thoughts or deprave me of my imagination.

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